Ships shown as registered at Barrington Passage in the Mercantile Navy List for 1930

British ships were registered at one of hundreds of ports of registry around Britain and what were then British colonies.

This page is an index of ships by their port of registry using data from the contemporary official sources such as the Mercantile Navy List (MNL) and the Appropriation Books.

For each port, it shows first a count of the entries by year. For a year selected from that list, it shows ship names and official numbers, sorted first by name, then by official number, with other details such as date of registration, and rig. For each record, links are provided to images of the source documents and to other data items such as holdings of crew lists.

For a full explanation of the records of British shipping, please see our information page, here: Records of British ships

How to search for ships by port

As described above, first select the port, then the year from the table of counts of ships.

For some ports, where there were other ports nearby, ships may have been registered at one of those ports. Where this is a possibility, the form provides facilities to switch to one of the other ports, or to see data for all the ports together.

Reading the results

The results show the names of ships registered at the port according to the records for that year. For record sets after 1855, the ship's official number is shown. The results show any other details from the source, and the exact reference for the source so that you can see where our information came from. The  icon links to images of the source.

For the pre-1857 data drawn from BT 111 and BT 162, there is a link on the right hand side Data post 1855 which will search the CLIP data for later years by name and port, looking for possible matches in the period 1855 to 1870. Beware! Because there were no official numbers for this period, these are only tentative suggestions, not exact matches. Some common names could result in many possibilities!

For post-1857 data, which has official numbers, there are also links to show holdings of crew lists for that ship, using the Maritime History Archive index and our own CLIP index.

The 'More...' link will show all the information that we have for that official number.

The records are initially sorted by the ship's name. For the pre-1857 records, the records can be sorted by year and number of registration; for the post-1857 data, they can be sorted by official number. To change the sort, click the small icon next to the column heading.

For data from BT 111 and 1850 (BT 162), there is a final column, Port no/PR no, shows port number and port rotation number combinations for that ship, which we have recorded or have interpolated from crew list records for the period 1845 to 1854 in BT 98 at TNA. These numbers were used in the records of seafarers such as BT 113 and BT 124.

For more details of port numbers, see Port numbers . For more details of port rotation numbers, see Port rotation numbers

The entries are colour coded.  nn/nnn  indicates data drawn from BT 98.  nn/nnn  indicates data interpolated from BT 98 data. Blank entries indicate where we have no data and are not able to interpolate data reliably, for example registrations pre-1845. Many early (and some post-1853) registrations may never have been allocated a port rotation number.

The link next to the data goes to the main port rotation numbers page for that registration.

Our thanks to James Canney for suggesting adding the port rotation number data.

Data sources

The sources of the data are:

Please see our general information page CLIP data for details on sources, methodology, the abbreviations we have used, and our acknowledgements.

Be aware! CLIP data is transcribed 'as seen' - we have not tried to interpret or correct it (but see note about BT 111 in the Data sources section). Where we have doubts about an item, or have edited it, we mark it with a  ? .

Page 1 of 2.    Records 1 to 50 of 57. Select page: Next | 1 | 2 | Last
Ship Sort by name Official number Sort by official number DetailsMNL Crew lists Link
ALASE1504741928, Motor View entry for ALASE in MNL 1930, page 608 MHACLIPMore...
ALICE NEVADA1386681919, Motor View entry for ALICE NEVADA in MNL 1930, page 609 MHACLIPMore...
ALVA122149Sail, Sloop View entry for ALVA in MNL 1930, page 879 MHACLIPMore...
ANNIE B111879Sail, Sloop View entry for ANNIE B in MNL 1930, page 883 MHACLIPMore...
ANNIE ETTA1550381929, Motor View entry for ANNIE ETTA in MNL 1930, page 614 MHACLIPMore...
ARIADNE1121021923, Motor View entry for ARIADNE in MNL 1930, page 616 MHACLIPMore...
AVERY L C1380361916, Motor View entry for AVERY L C in MNL 1930, page 620 MHACLIPMore...
CAYO1502231926, Motor View entry for CAYO in MNL 1930, page 643 MHACLIPMore...
COL RALSTON1502201921, Motor View entry for COL RALSTON in MNL 1930, page 651 MHACLIPMore...
DORIS J LYONS1386621917, Motor View entry for DORIS J LYONS in MNL 1930, page 664 MHACLIPMore...
DOROTHY F NICKERSON1380381917, Motor View entry for DOROTHY F NICKERSON in MNL 1930, page 664 MHACLIPMore...
ELEANOR A SMITH1550401929, Motor View entry for ELEANOR A SMITH in MNL 1930, page 670 MHACLIPMore...
EMMIE G1219091919, Auxilliary motor, page 673 View entry for EMMIE G in MNL 1930, page 673 MHACLIPMore...
EUSEBIA A1502261927, Motor View entry for EUSEBIA A in MNL 1930, page 677 MHACLIPMore...
EVA S1263451916, Motor View entry for EVA S in MNL 1930, page 677 MHACLIPMore...
FLORENCE M NICKERSON1380331916, Motor View entry for FLORENCE M NICKERSON in MNL 1930, page 683 MHACLIPMore...
FRIENDSHIP II1550341928, Motor View entry for FRIENDSHIP II in MNL 1930, page 686 MHACLIPMore...
GERTRUDE ROSS1380351916, Motor View entry for GERTRUDE ROSS in MNL 1930, page 691 MHACLIPMore...
GLADYS M ROSS1386671919, Motor View entry for GLADYS M ROSS in MNL 1930, page 692 MHACLIPMore...
GOLDEN SLIPPER1550351928, Motor View entry for GOLDEN SLIPPER in MNL 1930, page 693 MHACLIPMore...
GRAYWING1502301928, Motor View entry for GRAYWING in MNL 1930, page 695 MHACLIPMore...
HATTIE C1565511929, Motor View entry for HATTIE C in MNL 1930, page 700 MHACLIPMore...
HERBERT P1502181921, Motor View entry for HERBERT P in MNL 1930, page 703 MHACLIPMore...
HERBERT P II1550311928, Motor View entry for HERBERT P II in MNL 1930, page 703 MHACLIPMore...
HERBERT P III1565531929, Motor View entry for HERBERT P III in MNL 1930, page 703 MHACLIPMore...
HERBERT PHILLIPS1502251927, Motor View entry for HERBERT PHILLIPS in MNL 1930, page 703 MHACLIPMore...
HIGHLANDER1380391917, Motor View entry for HIGHLANDER in MNL 1930, page 703 MHACLIPMore...
HOOP-LA1550371929, Motor View entry for HOOP-LA in MNL 1930, page 705 MHACLIPMore...
HURRAH-HURRAH1380401917, Motor View entry for HURRAH-HURRAH in MNL 1930, page 706 MHACLIPMore...
JUNIOR1386661919, Motor View entry for JUNIOR in MNL 1930, page 720 MHACLIPMore...
JUNIOR C1502281928, Motor View entry for JUNIOR C in MNL 1930, page 720 MHACLIPMore...
KENNETH W1565521929, Motor View entry for KENNETH W in MNL 1930, page 723 MHACLIPMore...
KING PHILLIP1386631918, Motor View entry for KING PHILLIP in MNL 1930, page 725 MHACLIPMore...
LAURA B117136Sail, Sloop View entry for LAURA B in MNL 1930, page 1058 MHACLIPMore...
LYDIA C1502221925, Motor View entry for LYDIA C in MNL 1930, page 742 MHACLIPMore...
M S KENNEY1263431920, Motor View entry for M S KENNEY in MNL 1930, page 745 MHACLIPMore...
MARGARET B GOREHAM1386641918, Motor View entry for MARGARET B GOREHAM in MNL 1930, page 748 MHACLIPMore...
MARGUERITE F1386701920, Motor View entry for MARGUERITE F in MNL 1930, page 749 MHACLIPMore...
MAX C1223091927, Auxilliary motor, page 754 View entry for MAX C in MNL 1930, page 754 MHACLIPMore...
Auxilliary motor, Schooner, page 1098 View entry for MAX C in MNL 1930, page 1098 
MILDRED F1502171920, Motor View entry for MILDRED F in MNL 1930, page 757 MHACLIPMore...
MILIDA1380321916, Motor View entry for MILIDA in MNL 1930, page 757 MHACLIPMore...
MONARCH I1263501915, Motor View entry for MONARCH I in MNL 1930, page 760 MHACLIPMore...
MYSTIC1550331928, Motor View entry for MYSTIC in MNL 1930, page 764 MHACLIPMore...
NORA J1221471907, Steam View entry for NORA J in MNL 1930, page 389 MHACLIPMore...
PHILLIP J1502241927, Motor View entry for PHILLIP J in MNL 1930, page 786 MHACLIPMore...
ROBERT E NICKERSON1502271927, Motor View entry for ROBERT E NICKERSON in MNL 1930, page 803 MHACLIPMore...
SELINA M1386611917, Motor View entry for SELINA M in MNL 1930, page 816 MHACLIPMore...
SERETHA S1386651919, Motor View entry for SERETHA S in MNL 1930, page 817 MHACLIPMore...
SHADA1263491915, Motor View entry for SHADA in MNL 1930, page 818 MHACLIPMore...
Page 1 of 2.    Records 1 to 50 of 57. Select page: Next | 1 | 2 | Last
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