Transcript for DERBYHAVEN, Shipping register, 1836-1848, Folio 113

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This page is a transcript of a single folio from a shipping register.

The British shipping registers used standard forms which were used throughout Britain and the then colonies and while the exact format used changed over the years, the data recorded remained sufficiently consistent to make it possible to use a single transcription system to record and present the data.

For more detail on shipping registers, please see Shipping registers and for more on the Isle of Man registers, see Isle of Man shipping registers .

Reading the data

The several sections of a shipping register page provide details of:

The folios frequently contain much more information, such as changes of measurement, correspondence, etc. We have not transcribed these details, so if they are of particular interest, we recommend perusal of the original document or images of it.

To find other folios relating to that ship, there is a button at the top right of the transcript which links to a list of register entries for that official number. Unfortunately, this will not work for earlier registers where the ships had no official number. In this case, the bottom of the transcript may include a note taken from the folio itself giving directions to other folios.

Data sources

The sources of the data are images of the shipping registers for the Isle of Man ports held at Manx National Heritage Library, Douglas. We made these transcripts as a proof of concept but to transcribe many folio pages in detail is an arduous task and one that we do not intend to repeat. However, the database structure and the web pages on this site provide a proven framework to which more data can be added from other sources should it become available in the future.

Be aware. We transcribe data as seen. Where phrases appear in the registers we always try to stay close to the original text, but to facilitate transcription, we have stylised some of them, particularly those relating to transactions.

Vessel nameGOOD INTENT Official number
Port of registryDerbyhaven Number/year9/1842
Registry date13/5/1842
Registry typeRe-registered at this port
Previous registry 9/1839
BuiltPeel, Isle of Man, 1825Builder
PropulsionSailDimensions37.7 x 12.4 x 6.3 ft
RigSmack with mizen or jiggerGross tonnage15 tons
Masts2Register tonnage15 tons
NameAddress OccupationShares
John Kermode Kirk Arbory, Isle of Man Farmer 13 Subscribing
John Kelly Kirk Arbory, Isle of Man Farmer 13 Subscribing
John Costain Kirk Arbory, Isle of Man Fisherman 12 Subscribing
John Costain Kk Arbory, Isle of Man Farmer 13
Richard Kelly Kk Arbory, Isle of Man Farmer 13
NameAddress Date 
John Costain 13/5/1842 
Date Closure
5/7/1847 Broken up, Derbyhaven.
Notes and cross-references