Register index by official number for ROCHESTER, Shipping Register No 1, 1837-1844, RBS/Ro1/04

This is a list of the ships shown in one particular register.

Note: The pages in shipping registers were often referred to as folios by the officials, and we have used that term in our lists.

The list can be sorted by folio or by ship's name, or by official number. Click on the down arrow on the column heading. The ship's official number is a link, which will show a list of all the register entries for that ship.

Some of the data is from the archive's catalogue, mainly online. Other data is taken from indexes of shipping and for some of these we have not been able to obtain the exact folio number, so the order is deduced from the data and may not be completely correct. Do please let us know of any errors.

Where we can, we have shown details of the vessel's registration and of the closure of the register.

For the Isle of Man registers, on the right of the index page is a link to a much more detailed transcript of the folio, including transactions and all owners. However, please be aware that we have not covered every detail and it will still be worth referring to the original document.

For the registers for Rochester, images are available online and we have provided links to them. Unfortunately, the Medway Archives site has changed (April 2018) and our links do not work. We will restore the links as soon as possible.

For the registers of Australian ports, a full index by folio is available, with links to images of each folio on the NAA site.

Folio Sort by folio Vessel Sort by folio ON Sort by official number Date Registry Detail Closed Reason for closure, or cross-reference Link
62ABOYNE26/12/1838Rochester, 55/1838Registration transferred, previously Portsmouth, 12/183711/11/1843Re-registered at this port, 1843.
226ADA19/10/1842Rochester, 28/1842New registration7/1/1854Re-registered at this port, 1854.
81ADELAIDE24/4/1839Rochester, 14/1839Re-registered at this port, previously Rochester, 9/18378/1/1848Re-registered at this port, 1/1848.
172ADVENTURE18/6/1841Rochester, 15/1841Registration transferred, previously Newcastle, 20/183629/6/1841Re-registered at this port, 1841.
143ALBION9/6/1840Rochester, 16/1840New registration1841Foundered at sea. Crew lost., 23/1845.
17ALFRED14/3/1838Rochester, 11/1838New registration9/10/1843Re-registered at this port, 1843.
255ALICE12/2/1844Rochester, 6/1844New registration1845Re-registered at this port, 25/1845.
8AMA22/1/1838Rochester, 2/1838New registration24/3/1856Vessel broken up some time since.
201AMELIA8/2/1842Rochester, 3/1842Re-registered at this port, previously Rochester, 15/183129/3/1842Re-registered at this port, 1842.
208AMELIA29/3/1842Rochester, 10/1842Re-registered at this port, previously Rochester, 3/184219/10/1842Re-registered at this port, 1842.
227AMELIA19/10/1842Rochester, 29/1842Re-registered at this port, previously Rochester, 10/184217/3/1856Barge was broken up three years ago.
256AMITY27/2/1844Rochester, 7/1844Re-registered at this port, previously Rochester, 21/183613/3/1849Registration transferred to Colchester, 3/1849.
70AMULET6/2/1839Rochester, 3/1839Registration transferred, previously Hull, 19/183122/5/1844Re-registered at this port, 1844.
264AMULET22/5/1844Rochester, 15/1844Re-registered at this port, previously Rochester, 3/18395/11/1852Vessel lost at sea.
243ANN & JANE29/9/1843Rochester, 13/1843Registration transferred, previously Boston, 15/18397/6/1844Re-registered at this port, 1844.
265ANN & JANE7/6/1844Rochester, 16/1844Re-registered at this port, previously Rochester, 13/18432/11/1844Registration transferred to Stockton, 1844.
14ANN ELIZA5/3/1838Rochester, 8/1838New registration25/3/1869Vessel found to have been wrecked some years since.
114ATALANTA24/9/1839Rochester, 47/1839Re-registered at this port, previously Rochester, 40/18364/11/1852Broken up.
61BETSEY19/11/1838Rochester, 54/1838Registration transferred, previously London, 1039/18254/7/1851Vessel not requiring a register.
31BETSY30/5/1838Rochester, 25/1838Registration transferred, previously Milford, 10/183510/9/1839Re-registered at this port, 1839.
106BETSY10/9/1839Rochester, 39/1839Re-registered at this port, previously Rochester, 25/183818/11/1839Registration transferred to Swansea, 1839.
235BORSTAL27/5/1843Rochester, 5/1843Re-registered at this port, previously Rochester, 11/18319/5/1846Re-registered at this port, 26/1846.
92BRITANNIA5/6/1839Rochester, 25/1839Re-registered at this port, previously Rochester, 13/183220/12/1847Re-registered at this port, 1847.
178BRITON7/7/1841Rochester, 21/1841New registration31/12/1841Ship lost on the Island of Gotland in September last.
50BROTHERS30/8/1838Rochester, 44/1838Registration transferred, previously Faversham, 26/183326/6/1844Re-registered at this port, 1844.
272BROTHERS26/6/1844Rochester, 23/1844Re-registered at this port, previously Rochester, 44/18384/1/1849Registration transferred to Faversham, 1/1849.
117BROTHERS SUCCESS9/10/1839Rochester, 50/1839Re-registered at this port, previously Rochester, 27/18363/4/1851Registration transferred to London, 1851.
13BUSY BODY3/3/1838Rochester, 7/1838Re-registered at this port, previously Rochester, 13/183020/9/1854Re-registered at this port, 39/1854.
16BUSY BODY12/3/1838Rochester, 10/1838New registration26/8/1841Re-registered at this port, 1841.
182BUSY BODY26/8/1841Rochester, 25/1841Re-registered at this port, previously Rochester, 10/183827/7/1846Re-registered at this port, 38/1846.
196BUSY BODY17/12/1841Rochester, 39/1841Re-registered at this port, previously Rochester, 15/182818/9/1850Broken up.
77CALEDONIA25/3/1839Rochester, 10/1839Registration transferred, previously Sunderland, 199/183712/9/1839Re-registered at this port, 1839.
139CAMEL14/5/1840Rochester, 12/1840Re-registered at this port, previously Rochester, 183525/5/1854Re-registered at this port, 1854.
126CASSANDRA27/12/1839Rochester, 59/1839Registration transferred, previously London, 343/18304/12/1855Vessel lost in the River Thames in the year 1844.
34CERES9/7/1838Rochester, 28/1838Re-registered at this port, previously Rochester, 79/182620/7/1849Re-registered at this port, 12/1849.
68CITY OF ROCHESTER4/1/1839Rochester, 1/1839New registration30/9/1854Vessel lost at sea.
148CLIFFORD22/8/1840Rochester, 21/1840New registration13/24/1851Re-registered at this port, 7/1847.
99CRUIZER25/7/1839Rochester, 32/1839Re-registered at this port, previously Rochester, 19/182613/5/1842Re-registered at this port, 1842.
42DEFIANCE1/8/1838Rochester, 36/1838Re-registered at this port, previously Rochester, 26/183511/10/1848Re-registered at this port, 23/1848.
30DOUNE CASTLE29/5/1838Rochester, 24/1838Registration transferred, previously Newcastle, 124/18339/9/1848Registration transferred to Whitby, 1848.
187DUCK25/9/1841Rochester, 30/1841New registration
140EBENEZER14/5/1840Rochester, 13/1840New registration4/3/1853Registration transferred to London, 1853.
125ECLIPSE20/12/1839Rochester, 58/1839New registration28/1/1843Re-registered at this port, 1843.
19ELIZABETH11/4/1838Rochester, 13/1838New registration15/6/1844Re-registered at this port, 1844.
157ELIZABETH22/12/1840Rochester, 30/1840New registration7/5/1853Registration transferred to London, 1853.
267ELIZABETH13/6/1844Rochester, 18/1844Re-registered at this port, previously Rochester, 13/183824/3/1858Broken up.
87ELLEN30/3/1839Rochester, 20/1839Re-registered at this port, previously Rochester, 31/18364/11/1844Re-registered at this port, 1844.
253ELLEN5/2/1844Rochester, 4/1844Registration transferred, previously London, 42/18423/4/1845Re-registered at this port, 1845.
47EMERALD20/8/1838Rochester, 41/1838Registration transferred, previously Faversham, 3/183525/10/1844Re-registered at this port, 1844.
74EMMA15/2/1839Rochester, 7/1839New registration15/10/1852Re-registered at this port, 33/1852.
54ENDEAVOUR25/9/1838Rochester, 48/1838Re-registered at this port, previously Rochester, 15/183511/12/1846Registration transferred to Ipswich, 1846.
72ENDEAVOUR13/2/1839Rochester, 5/1839Re-registered at this port, previously Rochester, 2/183413/2/1839Re-registered at this port, 1839.
147ESTHER3/7/1840Rochester, 20/1840Re-registered at this port, previously Rochester, 44/18366/4/1850Wrecked on the Goodwin Sands on 1 March 1850 on her voyage from Dunkirk in France to Rochester.
26EXPEDITION11/5/1838Rochester, 20/1838Re-registered at this port, previously Rochester, 5/182625/2/1840Re-registered at this port, 1840.
131EXPEDITION25/2/1840Rochester, 4/1840Re-registered at this port, previously Rochester, 20/183813/8/1850Re-registered at this port, 19/1850.
165FANNY10/4/1841Rochester, 8/1841New registration3/2/1849Re-registered at this port, 2/1849.
179FANNY13/7/1841Rochester, 22/1841Registration transferred, previously London, 53/184130/12/1845Re-registered at this port, 39/1845.
55FELICITY28/9/1838Rochester, 49/1838Registration transferred, previously Sunderland, 13/183414/5/1839Vessel foundered at sea, 10 January 1839.
205FLETA2/3/1842Rochester, 7/1842New registration29/6/1847Re-registered at this port, 26/1847.
200FLORA28/1/1842Rochester, 2/1842Re-registered at this port, previously Rochester, 29/183523/5/1849Registration transferred to Whitby, 1849.
23FRANCIS24/4/1838Rochester, 17/1838Re-registered at this port, previously Rochester, 10/18336/5/1848Vessel lost in February last off the Nore.
10FRIENDS20/2/1838Rochester, 4/1838Registration transferred, previously London, 135/18342/5/1838Registration transferred to London, 1838.
12FRINDSBURY26/2/1838Rochester, 6/1838Re-registered at this port, previously Rochester, 3/183320/9/1854Re-registered at this port, 38/1854.
7GEORGE & MARY20/1/1838Rochester, 1/1838Re-registered at this port, previously Rochester, 13/18285/9/1839Registration transferred to Jersey, 1839.
173GOOD INTENT25/6/1841Rochester, 16/1841Re-registered at this port, previously Rochester, 58/182615/11/1848Vessel now under tonnage.
238HAIDE JANE19/8/1843Rochester, 8/1843New registration26/6/1847Registration transferred to London, 1847.
144HAMLET18/6/1840Rochester, 17/1840New registration1845Re-registered at this port, 23/1845.
49HANNAH28/8/1838Rochester, 43/1838Re-registered at this port, previously Rochester, 5/183525/5/1870Vessel broken up in the year 1865.
24HELLESPONT28/4/1838Rochester, 18/1838Registration transferred, previously London, 82/182812/9/1839Re-registered at this port, 1839.
111HELLESPONT12/9/1839Rochester, 44/1839Re-registered at this port, previously Rochester, 18/183817/9/1840Re-registered at this port, 1840.
151HELLESPONT17/9/1840Rochester, 24/1840Re-registered at this port, previously Rochester, 44/183911/12/1855Lost on the Yorkshire Coast on or about the month of December 1847.
95HENRY15/6/1839Rochester, 28/1839New registration15/9/1851Registration transferred to London, 1851.
63HENRY & ELIZABETH29/11/1838Rochester, 56/1838Re-registered at this port, previously Rochester, 28/183617/2/1845Re-registered at this port, 9/1845.
52INDUSTRY4/9/1838Rochester, 46/1838Re-registered at this port, previously Rochester, 2/183710/9/1852Broken up.
197INDUSTRY24/12/1841Rochester, 40/1841Re-registered at this port, previously Rochester, 18/182629/11/1852Re-registered at this port, 34/1852.
25INVERNESS PACKET28/4/1838Rochester, 19/1838Registration transferred, previously London, 330/183712/9/1839Re-registered at this port, 1839.
110INVERNESS PACKET12/9/1839Rochester, 43/1839Re-registered at this port, previously Rochester, 19/18389/9/1841Vessel lost at sea.
223IONA17/9/1842Rochester, 25/1842New registration1849Re-registered at this port, 1849.
137ISABELLA11/4/1840Rochester, 10/1840New registration11/1/1847Re-registered at this port, 1/1847.
262ISABELLA14/5/1844Rochester, 13/1844Registration transferred, previously Stockton, 17/18365/4/1848Registration transferred to Hartlepool, 1848.
202JAMES & MARY16/2/1842Rochester, 4/1842New registration5/1/1848Vessel lost off Lowestoft, 5 January 1848.
118JANE14/10/1839Rochester, 51/1839Re-registered at this port, previously Rochester, 22/182611/11/1852Vessel lost at sea.
142JANE5/6/1840Rochester, 15/1840Re-registered at this port, previously Rochester, 1/1834Broken up.
175JANE1/7/1841Rochester, 18/1841New registration19/3/1842Re-registered at this port, 1842.
190JANE11/11/1841Rochester, 33/1841Registration transferred, previously London, 407/1827
204JANE28/2/1842Rochester, 6/1842Registration transferred, previously London, 342/18259/8/1851Registration transferred to Stockton, 1851.
206JANE19/3/1842Rochester, 8/1842Re-registered at this port, previously Rochester, 18/184125/8/1852Re-registered at this port, 26/1852.
210JANET19/4/1842Rochester, 12/1842New registration19/7/1856Barge was sunk on the Bligh Sand in the River Thames on 12 March last and has become a wreck past recovery.
67JOHN31/12/1838Rochester, 60/1838Re-registered at this port, previously Rochester, 9/18266/10/1853Broken up.
121JOHN30/10/1839Rochester, 54/1839Registration transferred, previously London, 182628/3/1853Re-registered at this port, 15/1853.
105JOHN & ELIZABETH4/9/1839Rochester, 38/1839Registration transferred, previously Faversham, 19/18383/5/1841Registration transferred to Southwold, 1841.
158JOHN & MARY21/1/1841Rochester, 1/1841New registration12/5/1847Vessel now under tonnage.
189JOHN & ROBERT29/10/1841Rochester, 32/1841Registration transferred, previously London, 305/184122/3/1853Re-registered at this port, 13/1853.
94JOSEPH & REBECCA7/7/1839Rochester, 27/1839Re-registered at this port, previously Rochester, 70/18251842Vessel foundered at sea. Crew lost.
170KATE12/5/1841Rochester, 13/1841New registration23/9/1854Re-registered at this port, 41/1854.
263KENT18/5/1844Rochester, 14/1844Registration transferred, previously London, 19/183429/10/1852Broken up.
85KING GEORGE28/5/1839Rochester, 18/1839Re-registered at this port, previously Rochester, 36/182924/3/1840Re-registered at this port, 1840.
90KING GEORGE1/6/1839Rochester, 23/1839Re-registered at this port, previously Rochester, 34/182523/4/1855Re-registered at this port, 13/1855.
134KING GEORGE24/3/1840Rochester, 7/1840Re-registered at this port, previously Rochester, 18/183912/4/1855Broken up.
203LORD HOWE26/2/1842Rochester, 5/1842Re-registered at this port, previously Rochester, 35/183321/6/1844Vessel seized, condemned and broken up and sold at this port 18 June 1844.
228LOYAL21/10/1842Rochester, 30/1842Registration transferred, previously Stockton, 47/18371/4/1846Registration transferred to Stockton, 1846.
57LUNA8/10/1838Rochester, 51/1838Registration transferred, previously Sunderland, 117/183815/8/1853Re-registered at this port, 29/1853.
198MAID OF KENT28/12/1841Rochester, 41/1841New registration29/1/1848Re-registered at this port, 5/1848.
75MAIDSTONE22/2/1839Rochester, 8/1839Registration transferred, previously Sunderland, 16/183928/3/1839Re-registered at this port, 1839.
78MAIDSTONE28/3/1839Rochester, 11/1839Re-registered at this port, previously Rochester, 8/18391/6/Broken up.
176MAIDSTONE2/7/1841Rochester, 19/1841Re-registered at this port, previously Rochester, 11/18398/10/1852Vessel lost at sea. Registry closed at Sydney (Cape Breton).
236MALTSTER1/6/1843Rochester, 6/1843Re-registered at this port, previously Rochester, 44/182630/3/1852Re-registered at this port, 7/1852.
234MARGARET19/5/1843Rochester, 4/1843New registration5/2/1847Vessel lost in January 1846.
4MARIA4/12/1837Rochester, 32/1837Re-registered at this port, previously Rochester, 16/18361839Vessel foundered, 1839. Crew Lost.
183MARKET MAID30/8/1841Rochester, 26/1841Re-registered at this port, previously Rochester, 18/183719/9/1842Re-registered at this port, 1842.
224MARKET MAID19/9/1842Rochester, 26/1842Re-registered at this port, previously Rochester, 26/184111/3/1854Re-registered at this port, 1854.
6MARSDEN29/12/1837Rochester, 34/1837Registration transferred, previously Goole, 5/183221/7/1842Re-registered at this port, 1842.
222MARSDEN21/7/1842Rochester, 24/1842Re-registered at this port, previously Rochester, 34/18371845Registration transferred to Goole, 1845.
9MARY6/2/1838Rochester, 3/1838Re-registered at this port, previously Rochester, 1/18298/6/1861Broken up.
36MARY10/7/1838Rochester, 30/1838Re-registered at this port, previously Rochester, 12/183216/8/1851Re-registered at this port, 1851.
58MARY12/10/1838Rochester, 52/1838New registration20/4/1855Re-registered at this port, 12/1855.
254MARY5/2/1844Rochester, 5/1844New registration25/10/1844Ship ran into and sunk off West Rock Bay on 17 October 1844.
154MARY ANN16/11/1840Rochester, 27/1840New registration2/3/1843Vessel driven on shore near Pillau and wrecked, per Lloyd's List 8 July 1842.
169MARY ANN4/5/1841Rochester, 12/1841Re-registered at this port, previously Rochester, 30/183913/3/1843Re-registered at this port, 1843.
218MARY ANN2/6/1842Rochester, 20/1842Re-registered at this port, previously Rochester, 82/182525/3/1869Upon enquiry, vessel found to have been wrecked some years since.
232MARY ANN13/3/1843Rochester, 2/1843Re-registered at this port, previously Rochester, 12/184131/12/1850Vessel foundered at sea off Sheerness on her voyage to London, 30 May 1850.
97MARY ANNE24/6/1839Rochester, 30/1839New registration4/5/1841Re-registered at this port, 1841.
38MEDWAY27/7/1838Rochester, 32/1838New registration27/8/1842Registration transferred to London, 1842.
96MERCURY18/6/1839Rochester, 29/1839New registration23/9/1844Re-registered at this port, 1844.
277MERCURY23/9/1844Rochester, 28/1844Re-registered at this port, previously Rochester, 29/183922/2/1853Re-registered at this port, 8/1853.
86MILLER29/5/1839Rochester, 19/183931/10/1850Re-registered at this port, 25/1850.
29MINERVA18/5/1838Rochester, 23/1838Registration transferred, previously London, 419/183726/2/1839Re-registered at this port, 1839.
76MINERVA26/2/1839Rochester, 9/1839Re-registered at this port, previously Rochester, 23/183823/12/1841Re-registered at this port, 1841.
248MINERVA13/12/1843Rochester, 18/1843New registration31/8/1849Broken up.
60NANCY23/10/1838Rochester, 54/1838Registration transferred, previously Dartmouth, 13/1837Vessel now under tonnage.
83NANCY11/5/1839Rochester, 16/1839New registration25/2/1842Vessel foundered at sea with all her crew.
91NANCY3/6/1839Rochester, 24/1839Re-registered at this port, previously Rochester, 25/183517/12/1841Re-registered at this port, 1841.
193NANCY17/12/1841Rochester, 36/1841New registration16/5/1851Re-registered at this port, 15/1851.
276NANCY14/9/1844Rochester, 27/1844Registration transferred, previously London, 111/183721/7/1854Re-registered at this port, 27/1854.
2NELSON23/11/1837Rochester, 30/1837Re-registered at this port, previously Rochester, 15/183626/3/1838Vessel lost off Waterford, 17 February 1838.
124NELSON5/12/1839Rochester, 57/1839New registration21/5/1846Re-registered at this port, 1846.
46NEPTUNE16/8/1838Rochester, 40/1838Re-registered at this port, previously Rochester, 52/183616/5/1851Re-registered at this port, 19/1851.
53NEPTUNE22/9/1838Rochester, 47/1838Registration transferred, previously Sunderland, 21/183619/3/1844Vessel lost in the Humber.
21NEREID17/4/1838Rochester, 15/1838Re-registered at this port, previously Rochester, 26/183625/8/1846Re-registered at this port, 41/1846.
48NILE21/8/1838Rochester, 42/1838Re-registered at this port, previously Rochester, 41/183624/4/1846Re-registered at this port, 24/1846.
141NONSUCH22/5/1840Rochester, 14/1840Re-registered at this port, previously Rochester, 17/183023/2/1846Re-registered at this port, 14/1846.
233OLD HARRY31/3/1843Rochester, 3/1843New registration14/8/1847Re-registered at this port, 28/1847.
258OWNERS DELIGHT13/3/1844Rochester, 9/1844Re-registered at this port, previously Rochester, 4/183023/9/1851Re-registered at this port, 1851.
89PEGGY NEW REVIVED1/6/1839Rochester, 22/1839Registration transferred, previously London, 241/182615/4/1846Registration transferred to Faversham, 34/1845.
249PHOENIX16/12/1843Rochester, 19/1843New registration4/8/1849Re-registered at this port, 14/1849.
33PRATT30/6/1838Rochester, 27/1838Re-registered at this port, previously Rochester, 70/18265/9/1851Vessel employed in inland navigation.
20PROSPEROUS11/4/1838Rochester, 14/1838Re-registered at this port, previously Rochester, 3/183613/12/1839Registration transferred to Bridgwater, 1839.
84PROSPEROUS11/5/1839Rochester, 17/1839New registration16/2/1850Broken up.
11PROVIDENCE26/2/1838Rochester, 5/1838Re-registered at this port, previously Rochester, 17/183220/9/1854Re-registered at this port, 37/1854.
64PROVIDENCE30/11/1838Rochester, 57/1838Re-registered at this port, previously Rochester, 51/182522/5/Vessel lost in March last on the Bucksey Sand off the coast of Essex.
149PROVIDENCE28/8/1840Rochester, 22/1840Re-registered at this port, previously Rochester, 24/1832Registration transferred to London.
211PROVIDENCE22/4/1842Rochester, 13/1842Registration transferred, previously Colchester, 4/18364/8/1846Re-registered at this port, 39/1846.
244QUEEN20/10/1843Rochester, 14/1843Registration transferred, previously Faversham, 23/184113/9/1848Registration transferred to Ipswich, 1848.
28QUEEN VICTORIA16/5/1838Rochester, 22/1838New registration27/4/1841Re-registered at this port, 1841.
167QUEEN VICTORIA27/4/1841Rochester, 10/1841Re-registered at this port, previously Rochester, 22/183812/3/1853Vessel run into by a steamer and foundered at sea.
282RAMSDEN7/10/1844Rochester, 33/1844Re-registered at this port, previously Rochester, 75/182631/11/1854Barge was wrecked under Warden Point during the late gale and has become a total wreck.
122REBECCA27/11/1839Rochester, 55/1839New registration25/3/1869Upon enquiry vessel found to be not existing.
5RED ROVER21/12/1837Rochester, 33/1837Registration transferred, previously London, 183720/2/1841Re-registered at this port, 1841.
161RED ROVER20/2/1841Rochester, 4/1841Re-registered at this port, previously Rochester, 33/183726/8/1841Re-registered at this port, 1841.
181RED ROVER26/8/1841Rochester, 24/1841Re-registered at this port, previously Rochester, 4/184129/8/1849Vessel now under tonnage.
93REGENT6/6/1839Rochester, 26/1839Re-registered at this port, previously Rochester, 24/183527/4/1842Re-registered at this port, 15/1842.
213REGENT27/4/1842Rochester, 15/1842Re-registered at this port, previously Rochester, 26/183916/5/1851Re-registered at this port, 20/1851.
35RESOLUTION10/7/1838Rochester, 29/1838Re-registered at this port, previously Rochester, 17/182929/10/1852Vessel lost at sea.
229RICHMOND31/10/1842Rochester, 31/1842Re-registered at this port, previously Rochester, 40/182631/12/1862Broken up.
100ROBERT & ANN26/7/1839Rochester, 33/1839Registration transferred, previously London, 20/182930/5/1854Re-registered at this port, 16/1854.
40ROBERT & ELIZABETH31/7/1838Rochester, 34/1838Re-registered at this port, previously Rochester, 24/18292/8/1838Re-registered at this port, 1838.
43ROBERT & ELIZABETH2/8/1838Rochester, 37/1838New registration25/2/1839Registration transferred to London, 1839.
153ROBERT & ELIZABETH5/11/1840Rochester, 26/1840Registration transferred, previously London, 72/183920/7/1844Re-registered at this port, 1844.
274ROBERT & ELIZABETH20/7/1844Rochester, 25/1844Re-registered at this port, previously Rochester, 26/184010/7/1852Re-registered at this port, 20/1852.
1ROMNEY21/11/1837Rochester, 29/1837Re-registered at this port, previously Rochester, 10/18311845Re-registered at this port, 16/1845.
221SAINT LAWRENCE16/7/1842Rochester, 23/1842Registration transferred, previously Quebec, 61/18418/3/1844Registration transferred to Rye, 1844.
71SALLY12/2/1839Rochester, 4/1839Re-registered at this port, previously Rochester, 50/18242/4/1839Re-registered at this port, 1839.
79SALLY2/4/1839Rochester, 12/1839Re-registered at this port, previously Rochester, 4/1839Broken up.
245SALLY10/11/1843Rochester, 15/1843Re-registered at this port, previously Rochester, 59/182525/11/1843Re-registered at this port, 1843.
247SALLY25/11/1843Rochester, 17/1843Re-registered at this port, previously Rochester, 15/184310/3/1847Vessel having been broken up in March last.
164SARAH1/4/1841Rochester, 7/1841New registration16/6/1847Re-registered at this port, 25/1847.
260SPECULATION30/4/1844Rochester, 11/1844Re-registered at this port, previously Rochester, 29/183311/3/1851Re-registered at this port, 8/1851.
251STAR3/2/1844Rochester, 2/1844Registration transferred, previously London, 75/184029/6/1847Vessel lost in November 1846.
188SUCCESS30/9/1841Rochester, 31/1841Re-registered at this port, previously Rochester, 93/182520/1/1847Re-registered at this port, 3/1847.
32SURPRIZE14/6/1838Rochester, 26/1838Re-registered at this port, previously Rochester, 21/183318/2/1841Re-registered at this port, 1841.
160SURPRIZE18/2/1841Rochester, 3/1841Re-registered at this port, previously Rochester, 26/183810/5/1842Re-registered at this port, 1842.
215SURPRIZE10/5/1842Rochester, 17/1842Re-registered at this port, previously Rochester, 3/18412/6/1845Re-registered at this port, 19/1845.
186SUSANNAH22/9/1841Rochester, 29/1841New registration5/8/1844Re-registered at this port, 1844.
199SUSANNAH ANN13/1/1842Rochester, 1/1842New registration18/6/1851Registration transferred to Faversham, 1851.
45SWIFT11/8/1838Rochester, 39/1838Re-registered at this port, previously Rochester, 12/18281/6/1841Re-registered at this port, 1841.
177SWIFT3/7/1841Rochester, 20/1841Re-registered at this port, previously Rochester, 39/183831/10/1850Re-registered at this port, 26/1850.
65THOMAS & ANN3/12/1838Rochester, 58/1838Re-registered at this port, previously Rochester, 23/183729/7/1845Registration transferred to Harwich, 1845.
73THOMAS BEAUMONT15/2/1839Rochester, 6/183927/4/1841Re-registered at this port, 1841.
168THOMAS BEAUMONT27/4/1841Rochester, 11/1841Re-registered at this port, previously Rochester, 6/183919/12/1854
191THOMAS EDWARD15/11/1841Rochester, 34/1841New registration10/10/1850Re-registered at this port, 23/1850.
113THOMAS WEBB13/9/1839Rochester, 46/1839New registration26/5/1840Registration transferred to Harwich, 1840.
216THREE SISTERS12/5/1842Rochester, 18/1842New registration[No reason given].
3TWO BROTHERS25/11/1837Rochester, 31/1837New registration3/1/1846Re-registered at this port, 2/1846.
128UNION29/1/1840Rochester, 1/1840Re-registered at this port, previously Rochester, 21/182629/10/1852Vessel sunk in the London River in 1845.
194UNITY17/12/1841Rochester, 37/1841Re-registered at this port, previously Rochester, 78/182616/5/1851Re-registered at this port, 16/1851.
22VENUS21/4/1838Rochester, 16/1838New registration24/7/1839Re-registered at this port, 1839.
98VENUS24/7/1839Rochester, 31/1839Re-registered at this port, previously Rochester, 16/183811/8/1851Re-registered at this port, 1851.
69WASP12/1/1839Rochester, 2/1839New registration3/7/1840Re-registered at this port, 1840.
146WASP3/7/1840Rochester, 19/1840Re-registered at this port, previously Rochester, 2/183924/8/1841Re-registered at this port, 1841.
180WASP24/8/1841Rochester, 23/1841Re-registered at this port, previously Rochester, 19/18401/9/1841Registration transferred to Faversham, 1841.
56WEST KENT29/9/1838Rochester, 50/1838New registration12/9/1839Re-registered at this port, 1839.
66WILLIAM24/12/1838Rochester, 59/1838Re-registered at this port, previously Rochester, 35/182927/2/1844Re-registered at this port, 1844.
195WILLIAM17/12/1841Rochester, 38/1841Re-registered at this port, previously Rochester, 27/182616/5/1851Re-registered at this port, 17/1851.
257WILLIAM27/2/1844Rochester, 8/1844Re-registered at this port, previously Rochester, 59/183819/7/1848Re-registered at this port, 14/1848.
103WILLIAM & MARY28/8/1839Rochester, 36/1839Re-registered at this port, previously Rochester, 27/18323/2/1843Registration transferred to Faversham, 1843.
252WILLIAM & MARY3/2/1844Rochester, 3/1844Re-registered at this port, previously Rochester, 29/18361845Re-registered at this port, 26/1845.
225WILLIAM HAYMEN1/10/1842Rochester, 27/1842New registration2/1/1855Re-registered at this port, 1855.
129WOODPARK3/2/1840Rochester, 2/1840Registration transferred, previously Newcastle, 28/183019/1/1842Registration transferred to Newcastle, 1842.
80ZEALOUS24/4/1839Rochester, 13/1839Registration transferred, previously Sunderland, 7/18251841Vessel foundered at sea with all her crew.
120CITY OF ROCHESTER17429/10/1839Rochester, 53/1839New registration8/9/1871Vessel wrecked.
273WILLIAM & MARY40428/6/1844Rochester, 24/1844Re-registered at this port, previously Rochester, 3/1830
44VICTORIA6053/8/1838Rochester, 38/1838Re-registered at this port, previously Rochester, 12/183723/11/1891Vessel used as a lighter only.
280ENDEAVOUR69430/9/1844Rochester, 31/1844New registration18/11/1885Vessel used as a lighter.
279ACTIVE76730/9/1844Rochester, 30/1844New registration18/11/1885Vessel used as a lighter.
132ESSEX262328/2/1840Rochester, 5/1840Registration transferred, previously Newcastle, 24/18367/1/1858Vessel lost in October 1856.
250WILLIAMS28386/1/1844Rochester, 1/1844Registration transferred, previously Sunderland, 192/183614/11/1863Broken up, 1863.
107WEST KENT343012/9/1839Rochester, 40/1839Re-registered at this port, previously Rochester, 50/1838
192EARL GREY60917/12/1841Rochester, 35/1841Re-registered at this port, previously Rochester, 14/18311861Re-registered at this port, 14/1861.
281BORSTAL752530/9/1844Rochester, 32/1844New registration28/12/1886Vessel used as a lighter.
159BETTER LUCK STILL752821/1/1841Rochester, 2/1841Re-registered at this port, previously Rochester, 10/183530/9/1863Broken up.
212ALBION795525/4/1842Rochester, 14/1842New registration
37GOOD INTENT795613/7/1838Rochester, 31/1838Re-registered at this port, previously Rochester, 22/182926/3/1866Vessel broken up in 1864.
163TWO SISTERS79589/3/1841Rochester, 6/1841New registration1904See Trans Book 3 Folio 41.
88SPEEDWELL796231/5/1839Rochester, 21/1839Re-registered at this port, previously Rochester, 35/18256/4/1869Broken up.
152TWO SISTERS797725/9/1840Rochester, 25/1840New registration25/9/1891Broken up.
207ANN & SARAH797828/3/1842Rochester, 9/1842Re-registered at this port, previously Rochester, 14/183727/3/1866Vessel lost in the year 1863.
127VENUS798031/12/1839Rochester, 60/1839Re-registered at this port, previously Rochester, 1/183727/5/1880Vessel used for inland navigation of the River Medway.
278NELSON798825/9/1844Rochester, 29/1844New registration24/12/1886Broken up in 1877.
51DISPATCH79921/9/1838Rochester, 45/1838Registration transferred, previously Faversham, 8/1836
115LORD NELSON905828/9/1839Rochester, 48/1839Registration transferred, previously London, 367/18335/5/1864Vessel broken up December 1863.
112BRITISH QUEEN909211/9/1839Rochester, 45/1839New registration8/4/1859Re-registered at this port, 1859.
27SWAN916112/5/1838Rochester, 21/1838New registration6/6/1887Vessel broken up in June 1886.
39MINOR940528/7/1838Rochester, 33/1838Re-registered at this port, previously Rochester, 97/182527/3/1864Re-registered at this port, 25/1864.
230COMO94064/11/1842Rochester, 32/1842New registration
185ELIZABETH94086/9/1841Rochester, 28/1841Re-registered at this port, previously Rochester, 12/183527/2/1885Vessel used as a lighter.
138LEE94107/5/1840Rochester, 11/1840New registration20/10/1866Re-registered at this port, 57/1866.
237EAGLE941224/6/1843Rochester, 7/1843New registration1/8/1870Re-registered at this port, 15/1870.
104EDWARDS94202/9/1839Rochester, 37/1839New registration9/12/1892Broken up.
261RED ROVER943230/4/1844Rochester, 12/1844Registration transferred, previously London, 392/18389/6/1874Re-registered at this port, 18/1874.
271GOOD INTENT1447125/6/1844Rochester, 22/1844Re-registered at this port, previously Rochester, 7/18291862Re-registered at this port, 58/1862.
162JAMES1496722/2/1841Rochester, 5/1841New registration23/7/1870Vessel broken up in June 1866.
259MAID OF THE MILL1505630/3/1844Rochester, 10/1844Re-registered at this port, previously Rochester, 28/183511/10/1858Registration transferred to London, 1858.
242IDAS1673012/9/1843Rochester, 12/1843Registration transferred, previously Cowes, 7/1835Vessel lost at sea. [No date shown].
231HAWK188435/1/1843Rochester, 1/1843New registration5/12/1872Barge foundered off Newhaven on Thursday last, 28 November 1872.
102WILLIAM & THOMAS2000524/8/1839Rochester, 35/1839Registration transferred, previously Sunderland, 70/183930/3/1868Registration transferred to Rye, 1868.
116DELAVAL200134/10/1839Rochester, 49/1839Registration transferred, previously Goole, 2/183222/11/1864Vessel wrecked on Salthouse Beach, near Wells on 5th inst and became a total wreck.
135ERA200156/4/1840Rochester, 8/1840Registration transferred, previously Sunderland, 192/1839
133TONBRIDGE2001914/3/1840Rochester, 6/1840New registration6/12/1855Vessek totally lost on the Gunfleet Sands on 3rd September last.
174ALBION2002230/6/1841Rochester, 17/1841New registration5/1/1872Re-registered at this port, 3/1872.
166SARAH2002727/4/1841Rochester, 9/1841New registrationSee Trans Regr 2 Fo 3.
101FRIENDS2004113/8/1839Rochester, 34/1839Re-registered at this port, previously Rochester, 99/21/7/1886Vessel dismantled in 1882 and used as store house.
268MAY FLOWER2005015/6/1844Rochester, 19/1844Re-registered at this port, previously Rochester, 1/183028/2/1871Vessel broken up in September 1870 being unfit for further use.
109VISCOUNT LAMBTON2005112/9/1839Rochester, 42/1839Registration transferred, previously Sunderland, 52/1838
270MARQUIS CAMDEN2005324/6/1844Rochester, 21/1844Registration transferred, previously Sunderland, 270/183725/4/1862Vessel lost at sea.
108CALEDONIA2005712/9/1839Rochester, 41/1839Re-registered at this port, previously Rochester, 10/18391860Re-registered at this port, 12/1860.
209MEDWAY200668/4/1842Rochester, 11/1842New registration1904[No reason given].
18PROSPEROUS2007028/3/1838Rochester, 12/1838Re-registered at this port, previously Rochester, 17/18355/3/1856Re-registered at this port, 1856.
239OLIVE BRANCH2007219/8/1843Rochester, 9/1843Re-registered at this port, previously Rochester, 23/1834
123MORNING STAR2008029/11/1839Rochester, 56/1839Re-registered at this port, previously Rochester, 5/1832[No reason given].
136FOUR SISTERS200928/4/1840Rochester, 9/1840New registration8/3/1880Vessel dismantled and used as a lighter for the inland navigation of the River Medway.
217MAIDSTONE200962/6/1842Rochester, 19/1842New registration19/12/1904[No reason given].
246JAMES & SARAH2009721/11/1843Rochester, 16/1843New registration12/5/1873Broken up about 1870. She sank opposite Minster, Isle of Sheppey.
241UNION2009819/8/1843Rochester, 11/1843Re-registered at this port, previously Rochester, 25/183428/2/1876Vessel wrecked, 13 January 1876.
15TOLIAPIS209546/3/1838Rochester, 9/1838Re-registered at this port, previously Rochester, 74/182613/9/1866Registration transferred to London, 1866.
155RACHEL230295/12/1840Rochester, 28/1840Re-registered at this port, previously Rochester, 11/18361860Re-registered at this port, 31/1860.
171ALBERT2491229/5/1841Rochester, 14/1841New registration14/10/1881Barge was totally lost off Sheerness on 18 December 1879.
59LOUISA2545820/10/1838Rochester, 53/1838New registration27/10/1886Vessel broken up in 1881.
240COMMERCE2545919/8/1843Rochester, 10/1843Re-registered at this port, previously Rochester, 22/183413/10/1868Barge was run down by an American liner off Plumstead Marshes in June last and was broken up and taken away the latter part of July.
269WILLIAM & CHARLES2546020/6/1844Rochester, 20/1844New registration1905[No reason given].
266TRADER2546211/6/1844Rochester, 17/1844New registration20/8/1864Re-registered at this port, 51/1864.
156RISING SUN254707/12/1840Rochester, 29/1840New registration31/12/1869Broken up.
275SUSANNAH254725/8/1844Rochester, 26/1844Re-registered at this port, previously Rochester, 29/1841
150ELIZABETH254751/9/1840Rochester, 23/1840Re-registered at this port, previously Rochester, 32/18254/3/1869Registration transferred to Grimsby, 1869.
220THAMES2548313/7/1842Rochester, 22/1842New registration20/11/1866Re-registered at this port, 64/1866.
219ENDEAVOUR2549514/6/1842Rochester, 21/1842Re-registered at this port, previously Rochester, 5/18391861Re-registered at this port, 14/1861.
41ALERT263911/8/1838Rochester, 35/1838Re-registered at this port, previously Rochester, 15/18339/4/1879Vessel used for inland navigation.
82WELLINGTON2646226/4/1839Rochester, 15/1839New registration10/10/1905Vessel converted into a lighter for inland navigation only.
214PRINCE2653728/4/1842Rochester, 16/1842New registration29/12/1890Vessel used as a lighter.
119LUCY JANE2653928/10/1839Rochester, 52/1839New registration6/8/1868Vessel was sunk and became a total wreck in Sea Reach in the River Thames on 24 July 1868.
130SAMUEL265907/2/1840Rochester, 3/1840New registration25/9/1856Re-registered at this port, 1856.
145EDGAR2704030/6/1840Rochester, 18/1840Re-registered at this port, previously Rochester, 5/182920/9/1864Re-registered at this port, 54/1864.
184EMILY288634/9/1841Rochester, 27/1841New registration20/10/1867In consequence of several accidents and the said vessel sinking and upon being raised was found not worth repairing, was broken up on the 20th day of October 1867 or thereabouts being unfit for further use.