Register index by official number for TOWNSVILLE, Register of ships, Volume 1, 1884-1900, A7518

This is a list of the ships shown in one particular register.

Note: The pages in shipping registers were often referred to as folios by the officials, and we have used that term in our lists.

The list can be sorted by folio or by ship's name, or by official number. Click on the down arrow on the column heading. The ship's official number is a link, which will show a list of all the register entries for that ship.

Some of the data is from the archive's catalogue, mainly online. Other data is taken from indexes of shipping and for some of these we have not been able to obtain the exact folio number, so the order is deduced from the data and may not be completely correct. Do please let us know of any errors.

Where we can, we have shown details of the vessel's registration and of the closure of the register.

For the Isle of Man registers, on the right of the index page is a link to a much more detailed transcript of the folio, including transactions and all owners. However, please be aware that we have not covered every detail and it will still be worth referring to the original document.

For the registers for Rochester, images are available online and we have provided links to them. Unfortunately, the Medway Archives site has changed (April 2018) and our links do not work. We will restore the links as soon as possible.

For the registers of Australian ports, a full index by folio is available, with links to images of each folio on the NAA site.

Folio Sort by folio Vessel Sort by folio ON Sort by official number Date Registry Detail Closed Reason for closure, or cross-reference Link
43SWORDFISH388111898Townsville, 2/1898ImagesImages
20COMET410901892Townsville, 2/1892ImagesImages
9DANCING WAVE465731888Townsville, 2/1888ImagesImages
14SPEY509621890Townsville, 2/1890ImagesImages
11FREDDY610621889Townsville, 2/1889ImagesImages
1LALLA ROOKH733341884Townsville, 1/1884ImagesImages
41LALLA ROOKH733341897Townsville, 2/1897ImagesImages
8STAR OF HOPE747821888Townsville, 1/1888ImagesImages
2TELEPHONE750771884Townsville, 2/1884ImagesImages
49MYRTLE783641899Townsville, 2/1899ImagesImages
7CUTTY SARK783891887Townsville, 1/1887ImagesImages
15WATERLILY837561891Townsville, 1/1891ImagesImages
34SEA NYMPH837701894Townsville, 3/1894ImagesImages
16CLYDE875311891Townsville, 2/1891ImagesImages
13CURLEW875441890Townsville, 1/1890ImagesImages
39ADELAIDE888451896Townsville, 5/1896ImagesImages
3BURDEKIN892701884Townsville, 3/1884ImagesImages
12BURDEKIN892701889Townsville, 3/1889ImagesImages
4SPEDE898911886Townsville, 1/1886ImagesImages
5MAGNETIC898921886Townsville, 2/1886ImagesImages
6ARIEL898931886Townsville, 3/1886ImagesImages
18ARIEL898931891Townsville, 4/1891ImagesImages
10CANVASBACK898941889Townsville, 1/1889ImagesImages
17SILVER SPRAY898951891Townsville, 3/1891ImagesImages
19BOTAMOCHI898961892Townsville, 1/1892ImagesImages
21MARIA898971892Townsville, 3/1892ImagesImages
22TOKIO898981892Townsville, 4/1892ImagesImages
23TORRES898991892Townsville, 5/1892ImagesImages
25IGNACIO899001893Townsville, 2/1893ImagesImages
27DIANA942631893Townsville, 4/1893ImagesImages
24SCOUT942661893Townsville, 1/1893ImagesImages
26FLORENCE1024011893Townsville, 3/1893ImagesImages
28NORTH WALES1024021893Townsville, 5/1893ImagesImages
29ALARM1024031893Townsville, 6/1893ImagesImages
30LARK1024041893Townsville, 7/1893ImagesImages
31METEOR1024051893Townsville, 8/1893ImagesImages
32ISABEL1024061894Townsville, 1/1894ImagesImages
33CLYDE1024071894Townsville, 2/1894ImagesImages
35COREA1024081895Townsville, 1/1895ImagesImages
36LUZON1024091895Townsville, 2/1895ImagesImages
37EMERALD1024101896Townsville, 3/1896ImagesImages
38ZANCO1024111896Townsville, 4/1896ImagesImages
40VIKING1024121897Townsville, 1/1897ImagesImages
42MASCOTTE M1024131898Townsville, 1/1898ImagesImages
44FAN1024141898Townsville, 3/1898ImagesImages
45TAKA1024151898Townsville, 4/1898ImagesImages
46TANNA DORPHIN1024161898Townsville, 5/1898ImagesImages
47DORIS1024171898Townsville, 6/1898ImagesImages
48IDA1024181899Townsville, 1/1899ImagesImages
50PARUA1024191900Townsville, 1/1900ImagesImages