Ship whose port rotation number is 198 and port number is not entered

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Beware! These port rotation numbers refer to crew records for the period 1845 to 1854 only. Please see the notes for more details.

The Port Rotation Number Project began with the initiative of Peter Hamersley with whom we have been delighted to work in carrying through a ground-breaking project.

Click here to see a summary of the ports covered:

The table shows a list of the ports for which we have gathered port rotation number data. These are the columns:

the name of the port;
Port reference number
the reference number for that port, as used with the port rotation numbers;
PR numbers count
the count of port rotation numbers that we have found or deduced;
PR numbers min
the lowest port rotation number we have found;
PR numbers max
the highest port rotation number we have found;
the percentage of the port rotation numbers for this port which we have found, based on the previous numbers.

The percentage shown for each port is the coverage for ships registered in the period from the 1830s to 1854. Within that, for ships registered between 1845 and 1851, the coverage is mostly better than 90%.

We have completed the 400+ films for 1851. We are currently adding data from a sample of the 1854 crew lists for the larger ports. Our progress is shown here: Data progress

Port Port reference number PR numbers count PR number min PR number max %age
ABERDEEN 1 483278661
ABERYSTWYTH 2 2651635577
ALDEBURGH 3 2484563
ALLOA 113 112533733
ANSTRUTHER 4113649111
ARBROATH 115 210123688
ARUNDEL 4 531211153
AYR 5 61159674
BALLINA 122 212100
BALTIMORE 6 5982144
BANFF 7 2011328972
BARNSTAPLE 8 96919351
BEAUMARIS 9 2842860349
BELFAST 10 94543134072
BERWICK 11 78514256
BIDEFORD 12 1941836455
BRIDGWATER 15 187425673
BRIDLINGTON 16 1065420
BRIDPORT 17 22133884
BRISTOL 18 458472263
CAERNARFON 117 416452123652
CAMPBELTOWN 19 38147858
CARDIFF 20 831316653
CARDIGAN 21 282137176
CARLISLE 22 4327657
CARMARTHEN 116 2133563
CHEPSTOW 23 40289955
CHESTER 24 144822167
CHICHESTER 25 3588644
CLEY 26 139123559
COLCHESTER 27 2537653854
COLERAINE 28 722925
CORK 29 57031112751
COWES 30 203639552
DARTMOUTH 31 6382993270
DERBYHAVEN 148 572715843
DOUGLAS 147 934417570
DOVER 33 811221639
DROGHEDA 34 5427870
DUBLIN 35 72251105571
DUMFRIES 36 171123572
DUNBAR 60 1090293727
DUNDALK 37 29116255
DUNDEE 38 506181162
EXETER 39 245241359
FALMOUTH 40 1451323764
FAVERSHAM 41 214351741
FLEETWOOD 126 2412788
FOLKESTONE 123 811553
FOWEY 42 157721475
GAINSBOROUGH 110 2013951
GALWAY 43 21126538
GLASGOW 44 124632175772
GLOUCESTER 46 3451052966
GOOLE 47 632182376
GRANGEMOUTH 45 431010644
GREENOCK 48 480893851
GRIMSBY 49 7459878
GUERNSEY 151 184331558
GWEEK 50 571462
HARTLEPOOL 118 231123598
HARWICH 51 129421062
HASTINGS 84 2811118636
HULL 52 5151193855
INVERNESS 54 2673450656
IPSWICH 55 2522445558
IRVINE 56 162226960
JERSEY 152 5062588258
KIRKCALDY 57 832128631
KIRKCUDBRIGHT 36 1924428545
KIRKWALL 58 551311951
LANCASTER 59 94917655
LEITH 60 258152649
LERWICK 61 193811823
LIMERICK 67 911722244
LIVERPOOL 62 40461612666
LLANELLI 63 67815744
LONDON 64 489718917153
LONDONDERRY 65 5538764
LYME 66 1913063
LYNN 68 265438469
MALDON 69 164328857
MARYPORT 112 139425056
MILFORD 70 166327560
MONTROSE 71 157233247
NEWCASTLE 75 17036306055
NEWHAVEN 74 2184260
NEWPORT 72 109718361
NEWRY 73 1383831749
PADSTOW 76 162522075
PEEL 149 42135176100
PENZANCE 77 1133818476
PERTH 114 89519147
PETERHEAD 127 63986105688
PLYMOUTH 78 444580055
POOLE 79 131424953
PORT GLASGOW 81 701416645
PORTSMOUTH 80 2382462839
PRESTON 109 1721228063
PWLLHELI 117 24056184983
RAMSEY 150 4019327150
RAMSGATE 82 1242132440
ROCHESTER 83 3133763452
ROSS 111 4646771
RUNCORN 120 5436388
RYE 84 991337227
SCARBOROUGH 85 225134864
SCILLY 86 851212673
SHIELDS 124 14021158788
SHOREHAM 88 1482422872
SLIGO 89 2527633
SOUTHAMPTON 90 281948958
SOUTHWOLD 91 1453742
ST IVES 87 193827671
ST JOHN, NEW BRUNSWICK 230 30951153820
STOCKTON 93 189964229
STORNOWAY 94 32810233
STRANGFORD 125 5716291
STRANRAER 95 3617548
SUNDERLAND 92 21811431050
SWANSEA 96 2203938962
TRALEE 119 371727
TRURO 97 3958349
WATERFORD 98 226335663
WELLS 99 3143450046
WEXFORD 102 127721062
WEYMOUTH 101 101217358
WHITBY 104 765197678
WHITEHAVEN 103 264167838
WICK 105 42179453
WIGTOWN 121 9036248175
WISBECH 106 143220470
WOODBRIDGE 107 4948956
WORKINGTON 128 1362753526
YARMOUTH 108 10209155465