Crew lists for ships registered at Southampton held at Southampton Archives, ships names starting with H

This page provides a summary of the crew list documents for a port and/or archive showing the ship and the range of years for which there are documents.

The ships for which there are documents are listed alphabetically, with their official number. If necessary, the port or archive concerned is shown, followed by the year range for which there are holdings of documents.

The range is usually the earliest and latest dates and does not imply that there is a continuous run of documents.

To the right of this are two links to the CLIP and MHA crew list indexes, which will give more detail of the holdings for a particular ship. The CLIP index shows holdings at TNA and guesses at holdings at NMM. The MHA index includes their own (extensive) holdings, and holdings at local archives.

At the far right, there is also a further link to the CLIP data for that ship by official number.

Remember it is always important to check your sources - in this case by enquiring at the archive concerned, and/or using the MHA index.

Data sources

The sources of this information are:

Page 1 of 1.    Records 1 to 38 of 38.
Ship Official Number Years Crew Lists Links
HALCIONE 60929 1876-1896 MHACLIPMore...
HALCYON 13930 1863-1868 MHACLIPMore...
HARRIETT 47976 1864-1894 MHACLIPMore...
HAVRE 11385 1863-1874 MHACLIPMore...
HAWTHORN 27408 1863-1884 MHACLIPMore...
HECTOR 114589 1903-1913 MHACLIPMore...
HEDON 119746 1908-1912 MHACLIPMore...
HENGIST 13820 1868-1875 MHACLIPMore...
HENRY 7871 1868-1890 MHACLIPMore...
HENRY AND JANE 19622 1863-1864 MHACLIPMore...
HENRY BRAND 62756 1873-1909 MHACLIPMore...
HENRY PLASCOTT 131788 1911-1913 MHACLIPMore...
HER MAJESTY 90419 1906-1913 MHACLIPMore...
HERCULES 97218 1891-1913 MHACLIPMore...
HERMIONE 72368 1878-1903 MHACLIPMore...
HERON 58811 1896-1902 MHACLIPMore...
HESPERUS 47984 1871 MHACLIPMore...
HIAWATHA 94507 1888-1897 MHACLIPMore...
HIMALAYA 48594 1866-1897 MHACLIPMore...
HINDOO 68253 1876-1880 MHACLIPMore...
HINDOSTAN 63507 1872-1879 MHACLIPMore...
HONDURAS 12948 1866 MHACLIPMore...
HONFLEUR 68827 1874-1881 MHACLIPMore...
HONOR 119718 1906-1910 MHACLIPMore...
HOPE 13910 1866-1868 MHACLIPMore...
HOPE 20937 1866-1869 MHACLIPMore...
HOPEWELL 13949 1864-1891 MHACLIPMore...
HORNET 51604 1870 MHACLIPMore...
HOTSPUR 94514 1896-1913 MHACLIPMore...
HUDSON 58998 1880-1894 MHACLIPMore...
HUMBER 81618 1880-1883 MHACLIPMore...
HUMBER 93071 1901-1913 MHACLIPMore...
HUMMING BIRD 98841 1892-1894 MHACLIPMore...
HYACINTH 92037 1886-1897 MHACLIPMore...
HYDASPES 65730 1872-1894 MHACLIPMore...
HYDRA 90425 1892 MHACLIPMore...
HYPATIA 72345 1900 MHACLIPMore...