Crew lists held at Southampton Archives, ships names starting with C

This page provides a summary of the crew list documents for a port and/or archive showing the ship and the range of years for which there are documents.

The ships for which there are documents are listed alphabetically, with their official number. If necessary, the port or archive concerned is shown, followed by the year range for which there are holdings of documents.

The range is usually the earliest and latest dates and does not imply that there is a continuous run of documents.

To the right of this are two links to the CLIP and MHA crew list indexes, which will give more detail of the holdings for a particular ship. The CLIP index shows holdings at TNA and guesses at holdings at NMM. The MHA index includes their own (extensive) holdings, and holdings at local archives.

At the far right, there is also a further link to the CLIP data for that ship by official number.

Remember it is always important to check your sources - in this case by enquiring at the archive concerned, and/or using the MHA index.

Data sources

The sources of this information are:

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Ship Official Number Port Years Crew Lists Links
CMRIE CASTLE 118342 Southampton 1903-1913 MHACLIPMore...
CAESAREA 56130 Southampton 1867-1882 MHACLIPMore...
CALEDONIA 70456 Southampton 1879-1881 MHACLIPMore...
CALLER-OU 50393 Southampton 1869-1908 MHACLIPMore...
CAMBRIA 110199 Southampton 1901-1913 MHACLIPMore...
CAMBRIAN 28108 Southampton 1863-1871 MHACLIPMore...
CAMELION 51299 Southampton 1866-1869 MHACLIPMore...
CANDIA 674 Southampton 1871 MHACLIPMore...
CAPE CLEAR 72357 Southampton 1876-1877 MHACLIPMore...
CARIAD 105513 Southampton 1896-1913 MHACLIPMore...
CARIAD 114578 Southampton 1913 MHACLIPMore...
CARISBROOKE 72360 Southampton 1878-1891 MHACLIPMore...
CARLOTTA 68821 Southampton 1874 MHACLIPMore...
CARMEN 90408 Southampton 1889-1906 MHACLIPMore...
CARNARVON 90411 Southampton 1884-1894 MHACLIPMore...
CAROLINE 22948 Southampton 1867-1874 MHACLIPMore...
CARONI 118638 Southampton 1904-1913 MHACLIPMore...
CASSANDRA 93187 Southampton 1898 MHACLIPMore...
CASSANDRA 110257 Southampton 1899-1909 MHACLIPMore...
CASSELL 98926 Southampton 1891 MHACLIPMore...
CATALAN 110191 Southampton 1908-1913 MHACLIPMore...
CATALINA 118640 Southampton 1903-1913 MHACLIPMore...
CATCH ME 21279 Southampton 1867-1871 MHACLIPMore...
CATHAY 65702 Southampton 1872-1893 MHACLIPMore...
CATHERINE 53084 Southampton 1869-1873 MHACLIPMore...
CAWDOR CASTLE 114823 Southampton 1903-1913 MHACLIPMore...
CAXTON 87919 Southampton 1884 MHACLIPMore...
CAYMAN 7890 Southampton 1868-1871 MHACLIPMore...
CECILIA 97653 Southampton 1912 MHACLIPMore...
CELT 25147 Southampton 1863-1864 MHACLIPMore...
CELT 51296 Southampton 1866-1874 MHACLIPMore...
CERES 62411 Southampton 1887-1913 MHACLIPMore...
CEYLON 22173 Southampton 1863-1882 MHACLIPMore...
CHALLENGER 11708 Southampton 1863-1878 MHACLIPMore...
CHAMPION 21509 Southampton 1866-1877 MHACLIPMore...
CHARLES NAPIER 24216 Southampton 1863-1893 MHACLIPMore...
CHARLOTTE 47989 Southampton 1864 MHACLIPMore...
CHARLOTTE 62231 Southampton 1872-1912 MHACLIPMore...
CHARMIAN 106901 Southampton 1899-1906 MHACLIPMore...
CHAUDIERE 48683 Southampton 1878-1883 MHACLIPMore...
CHERBOURG 68826 Southampton 1874-1882 MHACLIPMore...
CHILCOMBE 119745 Southampton 1907-1912 MHACLIPMore...
CHIN YANG 72219 Southampton 1880-1883 MHACLIPMore...
CHINA 27199 Southampton 1867 MHACLIPMore...
CHIRIA 114579 Southampton 1910 MHACLIPMore...
CLARA 13906 Southampton 1863-1870 MHACLIPMore...
CLAYMORE 7891 Southampton 1863-1887 MHACLIPMore...
CLEMENTINA 44 Southampton 1864 MHACLIPMore...
CLUNY CASTLE 118323 Southampton 1903-1913 MHACLIPMore...
CLYDE 11390 Southampton 1864 MHACLIPMore...