Crew lists for ships registered at Dartmouth held at Devon Archives and Local Studies

This page provides a summary of the crew list documents for a port and/or archive showing the ship and the range of years for which there are documents.

The ships for which there are documents are listed alphabetically, with their official number. If necessary, the port or archive concerned is shown, followed by the year range for which there are holdings of documents.

The range is usually the earliest and latest dates and does not imply that there is a continuous run of documents.

To the right of this are two links to the CLIP and MHA crew list indexes, which will give more detail of the holdings for a particular ship. The CLIP index shows holdings at TNA and guesses at holdings at NMM. The MHA index includes their own (extensive) holdings, and holdings at local archives.

At the far right, there is also a further link to the CLIP data for that ship by official number.

Remember it is always important to check your sources - in this case by enquiring at the archive concerned, and/or using the MHA index.

Data sources

The sources of this information are:

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Ship Official Number Years Crew Lists Links
TRANSIT 16013 1863 MHACLIPMore...
TRANSIT 20963 1863 MHACLIPMore...
TRIUMPH 24590 1863-1864 MHACLIPMore...
TROJAN 73419 1876-1877 MHACLIPMore...
TWO BROTHERS 16008 1863 MHACLIPMore...
TWO FRIENDS 3933 1863 MHACLIPMore...
U S C 49952 1876 MHACLIPMore...
UNA 47879 1866 MHACLIPMore...
UNCLE JACK 43578 1863 MHACLIPMore...
UNDAUNTED 36904 1872 MHACLIPMore...
UNION 60109 1871 MHACLIPMore...
UZZIEL 4547 1863 MHACLIPMore...
VANESSA 65670 1906 MHACLIPMore...
VENTURE 113269 1903-1905 MHACLIPMore...
VENTURE 124615 1909 MHACLIPMore...
VENTURE 124620 1910-1913 MHACLIPMore...
VICTOR 117407 1906 MHACLIPMore...
VICTORIA 4489 1863 MHACLIPMore...
VISHNA 53429 1868 MHACLIPMore...
VIVID 4525 1863-1864 MHACLIPMore...
VIVID 15293 1863-1869 MHACLIPMore...
VOLANT 13158 1866 MHACLIPMore...
VOLGA 8860 1863-1865 MHACLIPMore...
VOLUNTEER 29517 1863-1866 MHACLIPMore...
WARBLER 24859 1862-1863 MHACLIPMore...
WASP 20834 1863 MHACLIPMore...
WATCHFUL 19054 1863 MHACLIPMore...
WATER LILY 43575 1863-1873 MHACLIPMore...
WATER SPRITE 21868 1863 MHACLIPMore...
WAVE 16023 1863 MHACLIPMore...
WAVE 17463 1863 MHACLIPMore...
WHITE VIOLET 96469 1892 MHACLIPMore...
WIDEAWAKE 21772 1863 MHACLIPMore...
WILLIAM 33911 1867 MHACLIPMore...
WILLIAM 43579 1863 MHACLIPMore...
WILLIAM & ANN 4448 1863-1881 MHACLIPMore...
WILLIAM JOHN 43583 1879 MHACLIPMore...
WILLIE 29512 1866-1880 MHACLIPMore...
WILLIE 53422 1868-1880 MHACLIPMore...
WONDER 19028 1863 MHACLIPMore...
WOOL PACKET 20067 1864 MHACLIPMore...
YPRES 16711 1863-1873 MHACLIPMore...
ZEALOUS 4565 1863 MHACLIPMore...
ZEBEDEE 4549 1863 MHACLIPMore...
ZEPHYR 31 1864-1871 MHACLIPMore...
ZODIAC 10709 1863 MHACLIPMore...
ZONA 73418 1877-1878 MHACLIPMore...