Crew lists for ships registered at North Shields

This page provides a summary of the crew list documents for a port and/or archive showing the ship and the range of years for which there are documents.

The ships for which there are documents are listed alphabetically, with their official number. If necessary, the port or archive concerned is shown, followed by the year range for which there are holdings of documents.

The range is usually the earliest and latest dates and does not imply that there is a continuous run of documents.

To the right of this are two links to the CLIP and MHA crew list indexes, which will give more detail of the holdings for a particular ship. The CLIP index shows holdings at TNA and guesses at holdings at NMM. The MHA index includes their own (extensive) holdings, and holdings at local archives.

At the far right, there is also a further link to the CLIP data for that ship by official number.

Remember it is always important to check your sources - in this case by enquiring at the archive concerned, and/or using the MHA index.

Data sources

The sources of this information are:

Page 4 of 12.    Records 151 to 200 of 599. Select page: Previous | Next | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | First | Last
Ship Official Number Archive Years Crew Lists Links
DALE 65381 Tyne and Wear Archives 1871 MHACLIPMore...
DANAE 65456 Tyne and Wear Archives 1874-1878 MHACLIPMore...
DANIEL RANKIN 21567 Tyne and Wear Archives 1872 MHACLIPMore...
DAVID MCIVER 2348 Tyne and Wear Archives 1868-1872 MHACLIPMore...
DAYBREAK 29706 Tyne and Wear Archives 1876 MHACLIPMore...
DEERFOOT 53436 Tyne and Wear Archives 1879 MHACLIPMore...
DEERHOUND 60508 Tyne and Wear Archives 1870 MHACLIPMore...
DELAVAL 53457 Tyne and Wear Archives 1868-1880 MHACLIPMore...
DELAWARE 14925 Tyne and Wear Archives 1874 MHACLIPMore...
DEVONSHIRE 42632 Tyne and Wear Archives 1866 MHACLIPMore...
DILIGENT 45592 Tyne and Wear Archives 1880 MHACLIPMore...
DOROTHY 7400 Tyne and Wear Archives 1867-1881 MHACLIPMore...
DOROTHY 14928 Tyne and Wear Archives 1869 MHACLIPMore...
DOROTHY JOBSON 26131 Tyne and Wear Archives 1874 MHACLIPMore...
DOUGLASS 57062 Tyne and Wear Archives 1876-1880 MHACLIPMore...
DRYDENS 53458 Tyne and Wear Archives 1867-1868 MHACLIPMore...
DUCHESS 49758 Tyne and Wear Archives 1866-1868 MHACLIPMore...
DUKE 56498 Tyne and Wear Archives 1870 MHACLIPMore...
DUNSTANBOROUGH 65387 Tyne and Wear Archives 1872 MHACLIPMore...
DURHAM 53467 Tyne and Wear Archives 1867 MHACLIPMore...
EASTERN PROVINCE 21396 Tyne and Wear Archives 1874 MHACLIPMore...
EASTHAM 45897 Tyne and Wear Archives 1874 MHACLIPMore...
EBENEZER 24647 Tyne and Wear Archives 1869 MHACLIPMore...
EDITH 44303 Tyne and Wear Archives 1878 MHACLIPMore...
EDITHA 45627 Tyne and Wear Archives 1879 MHACLIPMore...
EDWIN 79210 Tyne and Wear Archives 1879 MHACLIPMore...
EGBERT 70394 Tyne and Wear Archives 1876 MHACLIPMore...
EGLANTINE 45629 Tyne and Wear Archives 1869 MHACLIPMore...
EGLANTINE 79212 Tyne and Wear Archives 1879 MHACLIPMore...
ELEANOR 21882 Tyne and Wear Archives 1869 MHACLIPMore...
ELEANOR 22341 Tyne and Wear Archives 1875 MHACLIPMore...
ELEANOR JANE 56499 Tyne and Wear Archives 1868 MHACLIPMore...
ELECTRIC 70395 Tyne and Wear Archives 1877 MHACLIPMore...
ELIZA 36412 Tyne and Wear Archives 1864-1871 MHACLIPMore...
ELIZA HUNTING 65417 Tyne and Wear Archives 1873 MHACLIPMore...
ELIZABETH ANN 7378 Tyne and Wear Archives 1880 MHACLIPMore...
ELLIOTTS 56501 Tyne and Wear Archives 1868-1879 MHACLIPMore...
EMILY 11579 Tyne and Wear Archives 1875 MHACLIPMore...
EMILY 49757 Tyne and Wear Archives 1866-1868 MHACLIPMore...
Public Record Office of Northern Ireland 1871-1874
EMMA 7340 Tyne and Wear Archives 1880 MHACLIPMore...
ENERGY 23557 Tyne and Wear Archives 1871 MHACLIPMore...
ENNERDALE 65455 Tyne and Wear Archives 1874 MHACLIPMore...
ENVOY 53466 Tyne and Wear Archives 1867 MHACLIPMore...
ESHCOL 70398 Tyne and Wear Archives 1876 MHACLIPMore...
ETHELRED 65428 Tyne and Wear Archives 1873-1878 MHACLIPMore...
EUPHROSYNE 23141 Tyne and Wear Archives 1878 MHACLIPMore...
EUREKA 25823 Tyne and Wear Archives 1874 MHACLIPMore...
EWERETTA 7668 Tyne and Wear Archives 1868 MHACLIPMore...
EXCELSIOR 45602 Tyne and Wear Archives 1869 MHACLIPMore...