Crew lists for ships registered at Cardiff, ships names starting with L

This page provides a summary of the crew list documents for a port and/or archive showing the ship and the range of years for which there are documents.

The ships for which there are documents are listed alphabetically, with their official number. If necessary, the port or archive concerned is shown, followed by the year range for which there are holdings of documents.

The range is usually the earliest and latest dates and does not imply that there is a continuous run of documents.

To the right of this are two links to the CLIP and MHA crew list indexes, which will give more detail of the holdings for a particular ship. The CLIP index shows holdings at TNA and guesses at holdings at NMM. The MHA index includes their own (extensive) holdings, and holdings at local archives.

At the far right, there is also a further link to the CLIP data for that ship by official number.

Remember it is always important to check your sources - in this case by enquiring at the archive concerned, and/or using the MHA index.

Data sources

The sources of this information are:

Page 1 of 2.    Records 1 to 50 of 100. Select page: Next | 1 | 2 | Last
Ship Official Number Archive Years Crew Lists Links
L E CHARLEWOOD 79386 Glamorgan Archives 1879-1893 MHACLIPMore...
L J J 89186 Glamorgan Archives 1884-1912 MHACLIPMore...
LA BARRONERE 83808 Glamorgan Archives 1880-1884 MHACLIPMore...
Glamorgan Archives 1886-1897
Glamorgan Archives 1896
LA BELLE MARIE 54556 Gloucestershire Archives 1883, 1896 MHACLIPMore...
Glamorgan Archives 1886-1911
LADY CARRINGTON 123190 Glamorgan Archives 1907-1913 MHACLIPMore...
LADY CARTIER 38759 Glamorgan Archives 1874 MHACLIPMore...
LADY CLIVE 63393 Glamorgan Archives 1871-1893 MHACLIPMore...
LADY EGLINTON 25151 Glamorgan Archives 1889-1890 MHACLIPMore...
LADY GWENDOLINE 95181 Glamorgan Archives 1890 MHACLIPMore...
LADY HAVELOCK 43736 Glamorgan Archives 1876-1898 MHACLIPMore...
LADY ISMAY 132852 Glamorgan Archives 1911-1913 MHACLIPMore...
LADY KIRK 119955 Glamorgan Archives 1904-1913 MHACLIPMore...
LADY LEWIS 105185 Glamorgan Archives 1897-1900 MHACLIPMore...
LADY LEWIS 105189 Glamorgan Archives 1897-1906 MHACLIPMore...
LADY LEWIS 123182 Glamorgan Archives 1907-1912 MHACLIPMore...
LADY LOUISA 6126 Glamorgan Archives 1871-1874 MHACLIPMore...
LADY MARGARET 63766 Glamorgan Archives 1888-1894 MHACLIPMore...
LADY MARGARET 81781 Glamorgan Archives 1879-1882 MHACLIPMore...
LADY MARGARET 89176 Glamorgan Archives 1884-1899 MHACLIPMore...
LADY MARGARET 105173 Glamorgan Archives 1896-1902 MHACLIPMore...
LADY MARY 13191 Glamorgan Archives 1889 MHACLIPMore...
LADY MORGAN 95160 Glamorgan Archives 1888-1912 MHACLIPMore...
LADY NINIAN 123160 Glamorgan Archives 1912-1913 MHACLIPMore...
LADY SALISBURY 95187 Glamorgan Archives 1890-1912 MHACLIPMore...
LADY WINDSOR 105172 Glamorgan Archives 1896 MHACLIPMore...
LANCE 87477 Glamorgan Archives 1883-1884 MHACLIPMore...
LANCHESTER 62605 Glamorgan Archives 1897 MHACLIPMore...
LARK 10937 Glamorgan Archives 1868-1873 MHACLIPMore...
LARK 93077 Glamorgan Archives 1907 MHACLIPMore...
LAURA & ISOBEL 28150 Glamorgan Archives 1864-1871 MHACLIPMore...
LAURA ETHEL 72527 Glamorgan Archives 1876-1881 MHACLIPMore...
LAVERNOCK 70265 Glamorgan Archives 1874-1878 MHACLIPMore...
LAVERNOCK 95162 Glamorgan Archives 1889-1912 MHACLIPMore...
LEAD ON 87492 Glamorgan Archives 1883-1889 MHACLIPMore...
LEADER 68695 Glamorgan Archives 1891-1908 MHACLIPMore...
LECKWITH 60257 Glamorgan Archives 1868-1874 MHACLIPMore...
LEDA 45017 Glamorgan Archives 1890-1896 MHACLIPMore...
LEEDS CITY 123198 Glamorgan Archives 1909-1912 MHACLIPMore...
LENA 119957 Glamorgan Archives 1904-1913 MHACLIPMore...
LEO 83815 Glamorgan Archives 1880-1884 MHACLIPMore...
LESREAULX 83822 Glamorgan Archives 1881-1899 MHACLIPMore...
LESREAULX 105171 Glamorgan Archives 1896-1913 MHACLIPMore...
LEVANT 84663 Glamorgan Archives 1881-1894 MHACLIPMore...
LIGHTNING 49752 Glamorgan Archives 1871-1874 MHACLIPMore...
LILIAN 43766 Glamorgan Archives 1863-1864 MHACLIPMore...
Glamorgan Archives 1866
LILLY 98405 Glamorgan Archives 1891 MHACLIPMore...