The quickest way to find details of a seafarer pre-1861 is to use Findmypast's index drawn from the registers of seafarers.
Findmypast (£)
The voyage details shown on the registers provide a key to the crew lists from which they were drawn, but are not easy to decipher. We provide guidance on using these entries
Reading seafarer registers
The registers of seafarers 1845 - 1854 use a code called the port rotation number to show which ship the seafarer sailed on. The CLIP index to these codes is here:
Port rotation number index
Once you know the name of the ship, you can search for the crew list for the ship using the CLIP search page. This provides links to the TNA Discovery catalogue and to the FamilySearch films of the documents.
Crew lists at TNA pre-1861
The links on this page give full details of the available sources and the search pages all have a notes section to explain how to use them.
This page explains how to find records of merchant seafarers on British registered vessels for the period before 1861.
From 1837, central registers of seafarers were kept. These have survived, are available online and provide a good chance of finding records of individual seafarers.
Many of the crew list and agreements have also survived and are at the National Archives in their class BT 98. They were filmed by the LDS Church in the 1970s and the images are available online on FamilySearch (though the pre-1857 documents are only available at FamilySearch Centres or FamilySearch Affiliate Libraries).
The connection between the registers of seamen and the crew list is via a two-part numerical code, made up of the port rotation number, which identified the ship, and the port number which identified the ship's port of registry.
Further details are available from other sites, including the The National Archives information pages
Be aware. The notes on this page apply only to the period before 1861.
For the period 1861 to 1913, the crew lists are the only records of most seafarers and the documents are scattered over more than 40 archives. This is the period that CLIP concentrates on.
After 1913, central indexes of seafarers were kept and are available online. The crew lists and agreements are in just three archives, but have not been digitised.
Central records of seafarers on British registered ships began in 1835 under the Merchant Seamen Act, 1835 (5 & 6 Will 4 c 19)
mainly motivated by the need to man the Navy in times of war.
The records were compiled by the Register Office of Merchant Seamen. Over the years, this office went through several changes of name and function. The present manifestation is the Registry of Shipping and Seamen (RSS) and we generally use that abbreviation to cover all the earlier entities.
From 1835 to 1856, the RSS compiled various registers of seamen, drawing information from the crew lists which were returned at the end of a voyage or every six months. The main registers show the man's name, age, birthplace, the capacity in which he was engaged, and sometimes a description such as height and complexion.
Many of the registers include details of the voyages from which the records were drawn. These entries are not always easy to read. Even if you can read them, deciphering them is not easy because they use codes. We show how to decipher them here
Reading voyage details
The registers covering the years from 1845 to 1854, use a code based on the ship's port rotation number and the port number of her port of registry. We explain below how this particular code worked and how this site can provide the key, enabling you to track down the crew documents for the voyage, see below:
Port Rotation Numbers
The registers are all at The National Archives (TNA) and can be accessed there. Most have also been digitised by Findmypast and are available on their site:
Findmypast (£)
These are the various series of documents at TNA:
Register of Seamen, Series I, BT 120, 1835-1836.
TNA Discovery, BT 120
Register of Seamen, Series II, BT 112, 1835-1844.
TNA Discovery, BT 112
There are two sections, one for the home trade (coastal and fishing) and another for the foreign trade. The home trade entries in BT 112 are indexed by the Alphabetic Index to Seamen (BT 119)
TNA Discovery, BT 119
The records of seafarer's voyages include a code to identify the ship (which is different from the port rotation numbers used later). In any case, the ship is often named so that can be used in tracing the crew lists. The crew documents are held in BT 98 at TNA and can be viewed either at TNA or by finding the images on FamilySearch.
Register of Seamen’s Tickets, BT 113, 1845–1854.
TNA Discovery, BT 113
The entries in BT 113 are indexed by the Alphabetical Index of Registers of Seamen’s Tickets (BT 114).
TNA Discovery, BT 114
The entries in the registers in BT 113 show the number of the seaman's ticket, which also appears on the crew list, so helping to make a match between the two entries.
These registers use the port rotation number codes in the records of voyages, as explained below. The crew documents are held in BT 98 at TNA and can be viewed either at TNA or by finding the images on FamilySearch.
Register of Seamen, Series III, BT 116, 1853-1857.
TNA Discovery, BT 116
Alphabetical Register of Masters, BT 115, 1845-1854.
TNA Discovery, BT 115
Registers of Certificates of Service, Masters and Mates, Foreign Trade, BT 124, 1850-1922.
TNA Discovery, BT 124
Images of BT 124 records are available for download from TNA (see the link above). CLIP has indexed the records and they can be searched on this site:
BT 124
Family History Indexes have crew name indexes for
many of the records for 1851, particularly Irish, Scottish and Welsh ports. These are available
online via
The Genealogist (£)
. The CLIP search tool Crew list for British ports in BT 98, 1845-1856 (below) highlights any of the records that Family History Indexes have available.
All the crew lists for British registered ships prior to 1861 are held at TNA in the series BT 98.
The links to the right provide more details of their holdings and the TNA research guide.
All the documents have been filmed by the LDS Church and the images are available online on FamilySearch as detailed below. You will need a FamilySearch account (which is free and straightforward to arrange). Note that the pre-1857 images are only available at a FamilySearch Centre or an Affiliate Library unless you are a member of the LDS Church.
Our general guide on finding FamilySearch Centres and FamilySearch Affiliate Libraries and using the films is here:
Using FamilySearch films
Be aware The TNA catalogue of documents and the FamilySearch list of films show the range of names or official numbers which might be in that box or on that film. There is no guarantee that documents for a particular ship are actually there - they may never have existed, or they may have been lost, destroyed, or simply mis-filed (it happens, often) in the years since 1860.
Be aware also that these BT 98 boxes and the films contain many documents. Going through just one of them can take hours.
How the documents are arranged in BT 98 depends on the period.
These documents are in references BT 98/1 to BT 98/139
This first section of BT 98 contains early records (dating back to 1747 for some northern ports) and also miscellaneous records, in some cases extending to 1850. It has not been catalogued and might not be easy to search.
These documents are in references BT 98/140 to BT 98/563.
The crew lists for this period are filed by the ship's port of registry and then by the initial letter of the ship's name, often with all the records for 1835 to 1844 together. To find the appropriate reference number, consult TNA's catalogue and/or the FamilySearch film index.
The documents are annotated with the ship's port number and a port rotation number, which is not the same as the numbers used after 1845. There is no key to these pre-1845 port rotation numbers. They appear, at least in part, to be a serial number for that port in a sequence which continued from one year to the next.
The annotations were used to make up the registers of seafarers in BT 120 and BT 112. The records in these series for each man fortunately also include the name of the ship, so the only use for these annotations is to help confirm that the right document has been found.
Be aware There is evidence that not all the entries in the crew lists were transferred to the registers, even if the document had been annotated with the port number/port rotation number code. Many of the seafarers' names on the crew lists are struck through and/or annotated with the seafarer's register number, and those usually do appear in the registers: those which are not struck through are usually not in the register. No register entries were made for apprentices and foreign-born seafarers. Few, if any, lists for 1845 have the port number/port rotation number annotation (so the records were probably not transferred).
These documents are in references BT 98/564 to BT 98/4758.
The crew lists are boxed by year, then by port of registry, and then in alphabetic order. There may be several boxes for one year and port, covering a range of ships names. For example, Aberystwyth ships with names starting D-H for 1851 are in BT 98/2382.
To find the appropriate reference number, you can consult TNA's catalogue, or (simpler) use the CLIP crew list tool in this section.
If you have found an entry for a seafarer in the registers of seamen as described above, you can find the name of the ship involved from the records of voyages. The ship may be named: if not, it involves cracking the port rotation number/port codes that were used. We explain how this works below.
It may be possible to get an image by ordering via the TNA catalogue page, and you would need to bear in mind that the foreign-going lists in BT 98 often involve many documents for just one voyage. We have no experience of ordering documents in this way.
However, there is the alternative route of using the images on FamilySearch. This is the list of films for the period prior to 1857
FamilySearch films of BT 98 prior to 1857
. Scroll down their catalogue page to see the list of films.
These documents are in references BT 98/4759 to BT 98/6944.
Official numbers were allocated to all British registered ships from 1855 and appear on crew lists from that year. However, they were only used in filing the documents from 1857. Details of official numbers and how to find them are here
Official numbers
From 1857 onwards, the crew lists are boxed by year, then by official number. One official number may be in more than one box. Each box has a reference number and the catalogue shows the range of official numbers in each box so, for example, the crew lists for 1858 for the vessel Albion, with official number 1000 is likely to be in BT 98/5107, which holds official numbers 991 to 1050.
To find the appropriate reference number, you can consult TNA's catalogue, or (simpler) use the CLIP crew list tool in this section.
To obtain a copy of a document, you will have to visit TNA, or employ a researcher to do so, or order a copy via TNA's catalogue page.
The LDS Church has filmed these records and the images are available online on FamilySearch (you will need a FamilySearch account).
The FamilySearch catalogue page for the 1857-1860 crew lists is here
FamilySearch films of BT 98 from 1857 to 1860
. Scroll down their catalogue page to see the list of the films.
FamilySearch has begun a crew name index of the 1857 to 1860 documents which is available on their site here.
On the search form, enter the name of the person you are searching for (ignore the references to Hertfordshire - that is where the documents were stored when they were filmed). Click search and you can then follow the links to the images of that document.
So far, only about 20 films out of 1700+ have been covered, but that is still more than 65,000 entries. Many thanks to the volunteers who are doing this.
In the period 1845 to 1854, port rotation numbers were part of a code, together with port numbers, which was used to identify the ship that the seafarer was employed on. This provided the connection between the indexes of seafarers and the crew documents.
The list of port numbers has always been known, but the key to the port rotation number part of the code had been lost. In the last two years, CLIP has cracked the code in collaboration with an Australian based researcher, Peter Hamersley. This has enabled us to make an index to the port rotation numbers, linking them to the names of the ships. The index covers more than 50% of all the port rotation numbers and well over 90% for the years 1845-1851.
This is our picture of the process of dealing with the crew documents when they arrived in London:
Figure 1 shows an Account of Crew for a Whitby ship, with the port number and port rotation number annotated by the clerks using the list of ships for Whitby. The code is 86.104.1 in this case.
One of the apprentices on board the Concord was John Breckon as shown in Figure 2. His seaman's ticket number was 414237.
The clerks who compiled the registers of seafarers added the code from the crew lists to John Breckon's record in the Register of Seamen's Tickets (BT 113), as shown in Figure 3. You can see that his ticket number (414237) could have been used to confirm the correct entry. The port rotation number (86) and port number (104) appear in the entries recording his voyages in 1851.
The problem for modern researchers is to go the other way - from the port rotation number to the crew list. Without knowing what ship the port rotation number 86 stands for, researchers would have to go through the ten boxes or films of crew documents for Whitby for 1851, looking through each of the dozens of documents for John Breckon.
The index that CLIP and Peter Hamersley have compiled solves this problem. The index is online and entering the port rotation number and port number will produce the name of the ship and details of the records for that ship in BT 98 and on FamilySearch films. This is shown below in Figures 4 and 5.
For more details about port rotation numbers, please see:
To search for ships by port rotation numbers, please see:
To search for port rotation numbers by ship names, please see:
For details and a list of port numbers, please see:
The National Archives have a large number of online information pages about the documents they hold. The ones which cover the records of merchant seafarers are here:
For more detail and for other periods, records of ships, Royal Naval Reserve etc, the best reference book is: Records of Merchant Shipping and Seamen, Smith, Watts and Watts, PRO, (ISBN: 1 873 162 49 9).