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Index of contents
This is a list of quick links to our information
and data
Appropriation books
Appropriation books, images
Appropriation books, local
Archive holdings
Capacities - seamen's jobs
Case studies
CLIP databases
CLIP data, background
Crew lists
Crew list forms
Crew lists, 1861 to 1913
Crew lists, indexes of names
Crew lists and records of seafarers after 1913
Crew lists and records of seafarers prior to 1861
Deaths at sea
FamilySearch films
Fishing vessels
Fishing vessels, Olsen's almanac
Fishing vessels, port letters
Links to external sites
Masters, mates, engineers and cooks
Masters and mates in BT 124 at TNA
Mercantile Navy List
Mercantile Navy List, images
Official numbers
Official numbers, initial allocation
Olsen's Fisherman's Nautical Almanack
Olsen's almanac, locating
Olsen's almanac, images
Owners, Builders, Places
Port numbers
Port rotation numbers
Reading seafarer registers
Records of British ships
Ships, by name
Ships pre-1855, by name
Ships, by official number
Ships, by port
Ships, port rotation numbers
Shipping registers
Shipping registers, Isle of Man
Shipping registers, Lloyd's
Shipping registers, local
Start here
Types of sailing ships