Register index by vessel name for BARROW, Register of British Ships Number 3, 1901-1965, BTSR/1/3

This is a list of the ships shown in one particular register.

Note: The pages in shipping registers were often referred to as folios by the officials, and we have used that term in our lists.

The list can be sorted by folio or by ship's name, or by official number. Click on the down arrow on the column heading. The ship's official number is a link, which will show a list of all the register entries for that ship.

Some of the data is from the archive's catalogue, mainly online. Other data is taken from indexes of shipping and for some of these we have not been able to obtain the exact folio number, so the order is deduced from the data and may not be completely correct. Do please let us know of any errors.

Where we can, we have shown details of the vessel's registration and of the closure of the register.

For the Isle of Man registers, on the right of the index page is a link to a much more detailed transcript of the folio, including transactions and all owners. However, please be aware that we have not covered every detail and it will still be worth referring to the original document.

For the registers for Rochester, images are available online and we have provided links to them. Unfortunately, the Medway Archives site has changed (April 2018) and our links do not work. We will restore the links as soon as possible.

For the registers of Australian ports, a full index by folio is available, with links to images of each folio on the NAA site.

Folio Sort by folio Vessel Sort by folio ON Sort by official number Date Registry Detail Closed Reason for closure, or cross-reference Link
112ACCO165948 Barrow
99ALBICORE169040 Barrow
160ALBICORE169040 Barrow
19ARGUS125901 Barrow
102ARGUS III169042 Barrow
165ARGUS III169042 Barrow
12BAY FISHER114228 Barrow
110BAY FISHER187979 Barrow
157BAY FISHER187979 Barrow
119BRANKSOME187984 Barrow
24BRITANNIA125905 Barrow
100CARL SCHMEDEMAN169041 Barrow
20CARTMEL125902 Barrow
191CARTMEL125902 Barrow
114CENTRAL NO 3168701 Barrow
115CENTRAL NO 4165269 Barrow
17CLAGGAN70481 Barrow
105CURLEW OF WALNEY169044 Barrow
1CYGNET99950 Barrow
133CYGNET99950 Barrow
61DEVONSHIRE146029 Barrow
147DEVONSHIRE146029 Barrow
63DRAGOON140552 Barrow
127EDEN FISHER307104 Barrow
28ELLIDI125908 Barrow
44ELLIE PARK76894 Barrow
27EMILY BARRATT125907 Barrow
39EMILY BARRATT125907 Barrow
92EMPIRE ADMIRAL169038 Barrow
142EMPIRE ADMIRAL169038 Barrow
84EMPIRE BAXTER167740 Barrow
89EMPIRE CHARMAIN167745 Barrow
88EMPIRE ELAINE167744 Barrow
141EMPIRE ELAINE167744 Barrow
81EMPIRE GALE167737 Barrow
143EMPIRE GALE167737 Barrow
95EMPIRE HILDA180225 Barrow
85EMPIRE JACK167741 Barrow
153EMPIRE JACK167741 Barrow
86EMPIRE JILL167742 Barrow
155EMPIRE JILL167742 Barrow
93EMPIRE JUDY169116 Barrow
156EMPIRE JUDY169116 Barrow
87EMPIRE MARCH167743 Barrow
82EMPIRE MORN167738 Barrow
91EMPIRE NOBLE169037 Barrow
96EMPIRE ROGER165267 Barrow
90EMPIRE VICEROY169036 Barrow
107ESPERANCE187976 Barrow
126FAIR REWARD303805 Barrow
59FAIRLAND143653 Barrow
103FIRTH FISHER169043 Barrow
150FIRTH FISHER169043 Barrow
116FLORANDA184390 Barrow
162FLORANDA184390 Barrow
166FLORANDA184390 Barrow
144FORD FISHER99936 Barrow
77FOULNEY163924 Barrow
149FOULNEY163924 Barrow
75FRANCES LOUISE163922 Barrow
60FREELAND140656 Barrow
16FRONTIER TOWN108641 Barrow
7GONDOLA114226 Barrow
136GONDOLA114226 Barrow
26GWALIA119968 Barrow
38HAZARD99939 Barrow
67HAZARD99939 Barrow
74HGARUA165074 Barrow
51I'M ALONE146028 Barrow
124IRENE ALLEN303803 Barrow
161IRENE ALLEN303803 Barrow
123IRISH BRIDE303802 Barrow
52JOLLY DIANA139633 Barrow
32KATE70473 Barrow
49KINNARD HEAD145546 Barrow
78KYLE FISHER163925 Barrow
152KYLE FISHER163925 Barrow
122L'IVRESSE303801 Barrow
80LA MOYE160461 Barrow
11LADY EVELYN99949 Barrow
8LADY MARGARET105173 Barrow
23LADY OF THE LAKE125904 Barrow
138LADY OF THE LAKE125904 Barrow
118LEVEN FISHER187983 Barrow
56LUCELLE146380 Barrow
120LUNE FISHER187985 Barrow
69LYULPH163919 Barrow
33M E JOHNSON76895 Barrow
64M J CRAIG145417 Barrow
55MARY BARROW93424 Barrow
48MAVIS142774 Barrow
73MAVIS142774 Barrow
29MILLOM CASTLE65043 Barrow
125MORNING LIGHT303804 Barrow
35MYLES KENNEDY146021 Barrow
139MYLES KENNEDY146021 Barrow
72NAHULA163921 Barrow
30NARRAGANSETT125909 Barrow
31NEWLYN113567 Barrow
15NO 12102102 Barrow
37NO 2 STEAM BARGE146023 Barrow
129NO 2 STEAM BARGE146023 Barrow
21NO 3125903 Barrow
128NO 3125903 Barrow
13NORNA114229 Barrow
106OMBRA169045 Barrow
40ORAMA146024 Barrow
131ORAMA146024 Barrow
45ORFORD146026 Barrow
53ORLEIGH140859 Barrow
50ORONTES146027 Barrow
132ORONTES146027 Barrow
54ORTONA140856 Barrow
43OTRANTO146025 Barrow
121OTRANTO146025 Barrow
130OTRANTO146025 Barrow
151OTRANTO146025 Barrow
22PHILOMEL96608 Barrow
111POOL FISHER187980 Barrow
62RAMSDEN146030 Barrow
148RAMSDEN146030 Barrow
6RAVEN114225 Barrow
108SABLOA187977 Barrow
14SAINT CLEMENT88865 Barrow
79SEA FISHER167736 Barrow
34SEMINOLE125910 Barrow
71SHOAL FISHER163920 Barrow
104SLANEY183194 Barrow
83SOUND FISHER167739 Barrow
98SOUND FISHER183331 Barrow
18SPICA114230 Barrow
41SPICA114230 Barrow
109SPRAY187978 Barrow
57STRIVER144387 Barrow
4SWAN114223 Barrow
76SWAN163923 Barrow
146SWAN163923 Barrow
163SWAN163923 Barrow
3SWIFT114221 Barrow
134SWIFT114221 Barrow
158SWIFT114221 Barrow
58TARNWATER143599 Barrow
113TARONA187981 Barrow
164TARONA187981 Barrow
2TEAL114222 Barrow
68TEAL163918 Barrow
145TEAL163918 Barrow
167TEAL163918 Barrow
5TERN114224 Barrow
135TERN114224 Barrow
159TERN114224 Barrow
70TORRINGTON143534 Barrow
25TRANSPORTER125906 Barrow
47USEFUL76892 Barrow
94VIC 64181022 Barrow
10WALNEY114227 Barrow
137WALNEY114227 Barrow
65WANDERER163916 Barrow
154WANDERER163916 Barrow
66WAYFARER163917 Barrow
97WILLIODA180331 Barrow
36WINDERMERE146022 Barrow
101WINGCLIFFE161020 Barrow